Chapter 9: Deadly Thoughts

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING! Okay I haven't planned to go this far but it kind of just happened. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


"Y/n would you like some chocolate cake? Oh or maybe even some chocolate cupcakes?"  Sans asks me. He's wearing a black butler suit while "carrying" plates of desserts.

    "Oh I can't choose," I eye both the desserts that levitate in front of me. "I'll just take both!"

    I grab a small plate of cake and a couple cupcakes. I take a bite of cake. It sweetly melts in my mouth. So delicious! A hum of satisfaction escapes my throat.

    "Is there anything else you'd like sweetheart?" Sans's voice is soothing. Hm is there anything else? An idea comes to mind.

    I smirk at him. "Actually there is something,"

    "What would it be?" I can hear a hint of mischievousness in his voice. The skeleton smirks as well, almost as if he can read my mind.

    "MEeeeeEeeeeeeee," a disorientated demonic voice answers, filling up the room.

    I stare at Sans feeling horror and panic fill up within me. What's happening?

    The light and carefree atmosphere fills with darkness and despair. Everything slowly fades to darkness. I try calling out to Sans only to see that he's nowhere to be seen.

    My body begins to shake violently in fear and desperation. I then realize I can't move!

    "That's right sweetheart, you can't move," Sans?! I try turning to see him but only manage to catch a glimpse of his jacket. How did he know what I was thinking?

    "I can hear you Y/n," his voice isn't soothing anymore. I feel cold shivers run down my spine. And not the good kind. The sound of footsteps echo in this place. Wherever THIS even is.

    "Oh is poor little Y/n scared?" Sans snarls. He walks around me, scanning me up and down. This make me feel very uncomfortable. He looks up staring soullessly and harshly into my eyes.

    I want to look away but it's like I'm forced to stare. Sans takes a step toward me. His face is filled with disgust as he grabs my chin ever so gently. He pushes my chin up, forcing me to look directly at him. Sans doesn't say anything.

    My stomach turns in fear. It feels like my legs are going to give away on me. The shallow breathing coming from me is the only thing I hear, along with my pounding heart. His intense glare hurts my soul.

"Tsk, how pathetic," he roughly let's go of my chin.


I can feel my soul crack.

"Why do I even like someone like you? Someone so annoying and worthless," Sans continues.

"No one ever has or will love someone as broken and messed up as you," he stares me straight in the eye.

Another crack.

    "Why am I even wasting time here with YOU Y/n? I could be in my own dream enjoying my time but instead I'm stuck here with you," Sans spats out clearly annoyed.

    He's annoyed of me?

    "Yes. Who else is he annoyed at?" a different voice answers out to me. The voice giggled mockingly. A new type of terror washes inside me.

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