Chapter 3-In A Sky Full Of Stars

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Tanks POV

She had trouble written all over, the word problem is practically written on her forehead and yet i still find myself wanting to kiss her, to touch her badly. Sirens finger clenched my shirt tightly and her thighs never left mine as we road to the club. Her fear of this ride seemed to be decreasing and her happiness rising by the second. Her laugh made me want to smile so wide i felt stupid as hell, and yet the feeling didn't stop. For a girl i barely knew, aside from what her father told me, i couldn't get enough.

I stopped the bike as we reached the club and was about to get off when i noticed an unmoving Siren.

"Rain? Rain?"i called to her using her fake name, trying to gain her attention. Her mind seemed to be off in some other world.

"Its Siren" she snapped suddenly, getting off the back of my bike, and for a second I missed her warmth. I got off my bike too and watched her intently trying to understand why she was so angry. I mean, sure she had every right to be but I didn't deserve it.

"You're a beautiful girl, Siren. Talented and I'm betting you're pretty damned smart too. Don't ruin that with a shitty mood and a fierce attitude." I spoke calmly looking at her dead in the eyes. The way she reacted told me id caught her by surprise. She probably assumed id snapback or something. After a few seconds of watching her eyes go from shocked to grateful, I walked ahead, feeling slightly confused at my confession but mainly at how I was acting.

All of a sudden she called my name sending shivers over my body. I closed my eyes and didn't turn, trying to gain control of what she caused me to feel. I felt like a damned girl having her first crush.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just, sorry" She spoke sounding both fragile and guilty.

"I know you are" I replied softly before continuing on to the club.

Immediately I went for the bar, in hopes to get a strong drink.

"Tank, my man" The bartender, Alex, and also my best friend greeted me happily. He had my usual, which is called death in the afternoon. Its damn near the strongest drink id ever had in my whole life. Its a mix of champagne and absinthe, which was supposed to be one of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world. I mean I could see why. If you drank it to fast you'd throw up for days and only 3-5 glasses take you down if your built like I am. 

"Can I get two shots with that?" I ordered trying to sound like more customer-based then a friend. Not sure why I do that sometimes. Overthink things, act. Oh hell, I'm amazing at acting lately.

"Who's got you all rilled up?" he asked while pouring my drink, just as the whole club broke out into cheers. Taking each shot, I watched as she got onto that stage. God was Siren beautiful, The most beautiful woman id seen, and I've seen many.

"Her" I announced, before a more Mexican themed song, came on in the back round and I recognized it quickly. Two guys joined her on stage, one with darker skin and one with some super pale skin.

Siren grabbed the mic off the stand And began to sing wild thought-Rihanna.

"I don't know if you could take it

Know you wanna see me nakey, nakey, naked" She danced seductively and her voice added to it. Had me questioning what kinda girl she really is. One minute she seems so shy and innocent and the next shes dancing like she wanted some major attention with experience. And boy was she getting it, from the younger men in here mainly. All these people were her family except for a lot of the younger males. But even so, they knew her as a child.

"I wanna be your baby, baby, baby

Spinning and it's wet just like it came from Maytag

White girl wasted on that brown liquor

When I get like this I can't be around you

I'm too lit to dim down a notch

'Cause I could name some thangs that I'm gon' do" I raised an eyebrow at her when she began to look my way which caused a smile to break out across my face.

"Wild, wild, wild

Wild, wild, wild thoughts

Wild, wild, wild

When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts

Wild, wild, wild

When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts" I frowned suddenly, the woman was dancing up against the guy who I think is named Leon. He's the first dark male we'd ever accepted into our club, which brought more to come. Now I didn't have a problem with it, in fact, I fought for the rule to be passed to open it to them. But I mean a group of white bikers, there just now realizing how times have changed.

Turning around, I went back to the bar and grabbed my drink. The next song began to play as Siren got off stage. Slowly I sipped on my drink as I watched her flirt with Leon while hanging around with Kelly, my sister, and her boyfriend Bane, who is Sirens soon to be step-brother.

Finishing the last of my drink I decided to take control of the situation. To hell, if anyone thought id sit here, a jealous wreck. I walked up to a girl named Ellie, who I've had an off and on fling with.

"Tank" she whispered softly, pressing herself into my chest. Honestly, the sight of her grossed me out slightly and it displeased me she wasn't someone else, but with the alcohol in my system, it didn't take long for those thoughts to make a run for it.

"Sugar, why don't you close that pretty mouth and dance with me, hmm?" I said, smiling at her.

"Sure baby" she mumbled, sliding her hands up my chest and her arms around my neck. A slow and sexual song came about, creating the perfect setting to enact my plan. Ellie pressed her small body against mine before turning so her backside presses to me instead. Her arms curled back around my neck and her head fell back into my shoulder as she ground her backside to my front. I gently grasped her hips and looked up slowly to meet Siren's eyes from across the room.

She wasn't with León anymore, instead, she danced with a female I didn't recognize. And it was not in any innocent way. Instead of jealous, like I'd hoped, in her eyes was a challenge. With a smirk on her lips, she seductively dropped down the girl's body and slowly slid back up her, amazing me greatly.  If she wanted my attention, she certainly had it now.

My fingers absentmindedly skimmed over Ellie's sides as I continued to watch Siren dance. I watched her hands moving along her own body as she ground on her partner. The seduction, the daring movements, they captivated me entirely.

"Ellie, how about you go dance with your friends for a bit" I mumbled, leaving her side.

I slowly and deliberately moved towards Siren, catching her gaze. She froze almost completely and I smirked at that.

Ignoring the people around her, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me just as a slower love song came on.

"dance with me" I whispered into her ear, all games aside, causing her to shiver. I smiled widely at that.

She nodded slowly as if unsure. I took her hand into mine and put her other on my shoulder and my free hand on her waist. Siren was so close I could feel the heat radiating off her body and onto mine. There was something about her, something that's so unapparent you can't name it on the spot but not so faint you do not notice it.

"I shouldn't have-" I cut her off suddenly.

"don't, let's just dance ok?" I asked without waiting for an answer. I took her delicate fingers and twirled her around and then I spun her out and she spun back in. That's when it got deep, her closeness sent all my senses into overdrive and for a second I wondered what I was doing, I could lose control and hurt her if I'm not careful.

But as her eyes met mine I quickly forgot about that. I twirled her again and she came back to me instantly, only this time she was so close, our bodies touching in every way. Never once did my eyes leave hers, and how could they? Her gaze trapped me in and I couldn't get away or get enough.

Siren sucked in a breath as I slowly dipped her down, for a few seconds we sat like that before I pulled her back up. Our lips, inches apart. Eyes, mostly closed. I desired to have her, to hold her, to kiss her. It was then I knew I had to have her.

Siren Smith would be my girl and the whole world will know it soon enough.

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