Chapter 13

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This ones kind of a short chapter but the next ones going to be much longer and filled with plenty of stuff to continue the journey, I hope you guys like it!

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Days passed on end, leaving me feeling sad and weak. There was never a night I wasn't grief stricken with sadness or solidified with numbness. I felt as if there was no purpose, and any time I felt I could do something I lost my energy within seconds.

My father tells me that's what it's like to lose a soulmate, but I'm sure it felt different on his end then it feels on mine.

Yes, I have found that Azrael is my soulmate, just like I have found he is gone.

It's been 4 weeks and 5 days since I last saw him and not once have I been able to get out of bed for more than 3 hours before my energy burns out, Dani says until you have sex, or mate in her terms, your body gives out easy cause your soul try's so damn hard to find its other half every minute your energy is restored. Sounds like a bunch of cliche bullshit in all honesty but she's not lying so I guess I'll deal.

Groaning, I get up for a shower. My muscles are weak and as my limbs move, I'd feel and hear several pops. I didn't look at the mirror as I passed, knowing full and well the girl I'll see is not who I once was.

Today me and Dani will begin planning to help her mother. She has only a few months left before she'll die and if I didn't help her, she would. So, I promised to try, even if it meant without Azrael.

I stripped out of my clothing and stepped into Azrael's shower, the bathroom in which was connected to his bedroom. Often, I stayed in his room, using his things to give me the motivation to continue without losing it first.

The cold water started as I turned the knob, but soon turned hot after a few minutes of adjustment. The water poured over me, soaking my hair and skin. Grabbing his bottle that is both shampoo and body wash, I scrubbed my skin and hair till clean. I didn't spend any more time than necessary in the shower, quickly getting out in hopes to get some work done today before my body loses its little energy left. I had to, for Dani and her mother, who would be my mother's sister that I planned to meet as soon as possible. I couldn't willingly let the little family and connections to my mom that I had left.

Walking in a towel, I entered his bedroom and headed to the dresser where Dani had moved some of my cloths, since I'd began to live in here.

I grabbed undergarments, blue jeans and one of Azrael's black tees. Quickly I dressed and went to the bathroom to put my hair into a ponytail and brush my teeth. Once I finished everything, I exited the room and headed for the living room, where I knew everyone would be waiting.

"Hey honey, here's some french toast and bacon." My dad said, putting a plate on the bar that divided the kitchen from the living room. It smelt great and I knew I needed it, it had been nearly two days since I had more than some bread or water.

Dani came over, along with del, her boyfriend and Azrael's brother. Dani looked like she hadn't slept in a while and for a second, I felt bad. Her mother was dying, and I had been lying in bed being a baby, making it much harder to help her save my aunt.

"Ok so I have the capital mapped out right here, what I need to figure out is how we're going to get in there." Dani explained to me, setting an enlarged white paper with blue markings on it, showing a map of where Lucifer and his demons stayed, holding to only anecdote to save her mother.

I took a bite of my food before I looked over to the map. It showed little side notes of precautions to take and danger zones versus safety spots.

"Ok so how do we get there and what part do I play." I asked looking up from the paper and taking a bite of this fucking delicious bacon. Like man, I fucking love bacon.

"That's the tricky part. We must train you before we leave, you need skills to fight and to learn how to maintain your energy without your mate. We need to change your style as well to help you fit in. You're going to have to change your hair color and pick up a more gothic style to fit in. Unfortunately, we cannot simply enter the capital, there are hoops to jump through and risks to take to make it there." Dani explained with a lot more hand motions than I expected.

"Which is where I come in. Only an archangel or a full-blooded demon can open the portal to access the dimensions where the capital is upheld. It's the place you go before being sent to hell. There will be stoppers along the way such as demons to fight, but there will be one more challenge to pass before being able to enter the capital. You must pass a mental test that stops you right before that gates. There will be a door that is magically upheld by one of the strongest witches in Lucifer's grasp. She has bound the door so she can challenge anyone how may pass, thee who touches it has to be able to mentally withstand their worst fears to pass. But you'll learn more about this once we begin training." Michael explained, pointing to certain places on the map as he went.

A burst of fear pounded through my chest when he spoke of the mental tests. What if I could not pass? I was the only person Lucifer was willing to see in order to gain the cure for Dani's mother.

"How long do we have to train?" I asked, finishing up the last few bites of my food.

"one month"

I choked on my food when I heard that.

One month? To learn how to beat one of the lost powerful people ever? And I must learn to maintain my energy as well?

"Don't panic Dani, your stronger than you think. Your part angel and part tainted, both of which have harnessed powers, ones that we will discover rather soon and easily, I have no doubt." My father spoke up confidently.

I thought on this for a few minutes. There were so many risks to take and things I'll have to sacrifice in order to complete this task. Including giving up my search for Azrael.

"ok, so when do we start?" 

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