Chapter 20

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WARNING: All chapters read after 17 are completely different due to major editing, read at your own risk

We sat through the plane ride for a few hours before it landed, the lob part tho was getting out of this place. We just now got our luggage to head out.

"Taxi!" I shouted, raising my hand to catch the drivers attention. He pulled up to us, popping the trunk.

"Miss? Would you like me to help you with your bags?" The man asked, with a vary evident accent.

"No thank you, we don't need the trunk either" I replied, closing the trunk and getting in on the other side of the car.

"To the suicide forest please" I said softly, making him do a double take. He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Miss I highly advise against that. It's dangerous, you get hurt, you stay in hotel ok?" He asked with worry.

"I understand the risk, but I'd still like to go there please"

And with that he began the drive there. I've never been to japan before but it was nice. The city had big bright buildings that were like skyscrapers, with how tall they were. A big smile speed across my face and slight disappointment sunk in as the city slowly began to disappear. We were close to the forest and would soon have to began our journey on foot. We had one day, 24 hours of spare time to go make an alliance with the king, before we had to leave straight for hell. If we didn't, Dani's mother would die and I cannot have that.

The car pulled to a stop vary suddenly, catching me by surprise.

"You stop here, I go no further, sorry miss" he said, looking fearfully.

I understood, his culture believed that people were killed by evil spirits and such I suppose.

We all stepped outside of the car, grabbing our bags and such. I pulled a map from my bag and began walking forward, knowing full and well where to go. I don't know how or why, but it felt like I'd been here before, so I just followed instinct and went full speed ahead.

We entered the forest shortly after leaving the car, no one really spoke. I'm surprised Azrael hadn't made conversation so far.

Walking for about ten more minutes through the forest, we stopped just outside one of the few trails. It was a clearing with grass and trees, small really. It was about mid day, which meant I needed to quickly set up camp and figure out what to do with Azrael so Dani and I could leave for the rest of the day. I needed to meet this king as soon as I possibly could, forming such an alliance was necessary for survival at this point. I had no idea what to expect in Lucifer's domain, so I suppose it would be necessary to have some by my side.

"Help me do the tent?" I asked them both.

"I think I could do it myself if you'd like to set up other things" Azrael countered. Although I had not idea what else to sent up.

"Ok" I have a forced smile and then pulled dani aside with map in hand.

"Ok dani, we need a plan"

"For what?" She asked confused.

"A walk about 20 minutes from here is supposed to reveal a hidden cave by magic, hissing an underground kingdom of people. My father told me of this king who is in tune with the earth, one of peace who may serve an alliance with us so we have a back up plan in case Lucifer doesn't check out." I explained, slowing my map for her to understand. She glanced down at it, before looking to Azrael.

"What are we gonna do about him?" She questioned. I smirked suddenly, this was my favorite part. Turning my body from Azraels view, I pulled out hand cuffs, and then I pulled a vial from my fanny pack thingy.

"omg is that-"

"Handcuffs and a vary strong sleeping serum?" I laughed my response. She matched my sadistic smile easily.

"I'll make us food here in a sec and then in his food I'll mix this in, minutes after eating it he'll be out. We'll lock him up to the trail pole and begin our journey. We'll have to change tho, I bought cloths for this spacing journey." I explained my plan. She gave me and Alright and I set our stuff in motion.

Reaching into my bag I grabbed the newspaper I picked up at the air port, along with a lighter, pot and a can of soup. It didn't take long to start a fire and then begin heating the soup. I shook the pot slightly to kind of mix it and then I picked it up to pour in each of the three bottles we had, only one containing the serum.

"Azrael, here is yours" I said, walking to our complete tent to hand him the bottle. He didn't hesitate to drink it, shocking me slightly but I quickly moved away to contain it. I sipped in my drink, not feeling all to hungry to be honest.

"What...what have you dont?" Azrael groaned suddenly, catching both mine and Dani's attention. Vary dramatically in my opinion, he feel to his knees and then onto the ground completely, suddenly I broke out in laughter, this was pretty amazing. I had not expected that at all.

"Ok, ok let's get to it" Dani said smiling, with amusement in her eyes.

I grabbed one arm and she the other, we both pulled. I groaned trying to pull him the best I could which lemme tell you, was definitely a task. Slowly we dragged him to the pull and dipped his arms, cuffing them so he wouldn't get through.

"Come on, we need to dress quick and leave to get there before nightfall." I told Dani, leading her to the tent.

I grabbed my duffle and pulled out one white V-neck and one black long sleeved crop top. I then grabbed the flats, black leather pants and white ripped skinny jeans. I handed Danny the white shirt and pant pants. Quickly we both dressed in our attire and then god our weapons. I re-strapped on my weapons and fanny pack from before. Dani put on a belt that holds a hand gun on each hip. She also put a pocket knife in her back pocket. And then we were off, for what?

That I wasn't completely sure of.


Kinda short and fast paced this time, but it's more of a filler to give an explanation for the next few chapters, thanks for reading!

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