Chapter 9-Edited

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(Worrier-Beth Crowley)

Sirens POV

It's been 4 days since tank talked to me back when I was writing music. He hadn't really acknowledged me, and I'd been to chicken to apologize for my admittedly childish behavior. We're now back from that stupid trip. The bright side is I got to know Lucas and his baby girl, Luna better. Today I decided to take initiative. He would know I wanted to be with him, Azrael would be forced to hear me and not ignore me

I began to play the melody of the song worrier I wrote about Azrael.

Lucas's voice began to sing smoothly for the first verse while my eyes scanned for Azrael, but I couldn't find him, and that made me sadder than anything.

"You fascinated me

Cloaked in shadows and secrecy

The beauty of a broken angel" I sang softly, still searching for his eyes. I'd planned this out perfectly. I wore this flower dress and fancy heels and nice jewelry, hoping to catch his eye. I had my hair pulled back so he could easily see my face. I even had his brother help me get him here, so, where is he?

"I ventured carefully

Afraid of what you thought I'd be

But pretty soon I was entangled

You take me by the hand

I question who I am" And that's when I see him. I see his gorgeous eyes and slicked back hair. His tight black shirt and nice skinny jeans to compliment his lean yet fit body. Almost stopped singing, but I knew he had to hear this that I had to hear this. So I closed my eyes and finished the song.

I finished the song quickly and opened to a crowd both quiet and in awe. But really what I was again looking for was him, Azrael, the man I slowly felt myself coming to like and want more and more every day. Only, he wasn't there and that almost tore me open right then and there.

I got off stage quickly as I could and went on my search. Sadly, obstacles blocked my path.

"That was beautiful, dear" Del said, greeting me with her usual hug and warm smile. I smiled back and gave a quick thank you before leaving her.

"Siren that was-"

"Dad I love you, but I need to find him." I rushed out before leaving the second embrace I'd gotten in the last 30 seconds.

Finally, I got outside the club and I managed to catch him before he left on his bike.

"Azrael, wait, please" I'd almost cried out, catching his attention. Something about the way he acted though, it told me this wasn't gonna be good.

"What do you want" And it wasn't what he said exactly, but how that was the coldest tone I'd heard him give me or anyone ever.

"I just..."I whispered, tearing up.

"You just what? Thought I'd forget your reckless behavior? Your inappropriate approach towards me and then when I called you out you shoved me away? You just what? Thought I'd let it go?" He vented, making me flinch. I knew I'd messed up, but it hurt him more than I assumed.

"A-azrael" I stuttered.

"I gotta go" he told me.

"Don't...don't go please" I said in the most pleading tone I'd ever given anyone in my entire life. And for a second, he stopped, I almost thought he'd turn around and come back to me. It was evident, seconds later, that I was wrong.

He continued, starting up his bike and then taking off. And that was it. Again, the world flipped, and I was back to my teetering numb and pained state. It's been three months and I've worked my ass off to be happy, sure I slipped a lot, but I was trying, and now here I am. In another pit of despair. Only this time, it's worse. Because this time it was actually my fault and I had no one else to blame but myself.


When I woke up this morning, I knew I needed to fight this. I've always given up without a fight, but something told me this was something I didn't want to give up. And the tattoo on my arm gave me even more motivation. This time I wouldn't give him a chance to run, this time he would see me head on.

Today was a breakfast get together here, at the house, with the gang. So, I knew I'd see him here, that and he is like my bodyguard for now. So there's a plus.

I took my time getting ready, making sure I looked good but causal. I decide on a pair of black joggers and a grey tee with a knit sweater since it is kind of cloudy out. Leaving my room, I went out to the living room where a few members are, but it seems most are outside. I'm supposed to do a show in a sec, that's probably why.

Pushing my sleeves up just above my elbows, I leave the house and see Tank, only with someone else. A girl, she has long beautiful red hair and flawless pale skin. Her figure suit's her beautiful floor length spaghetti strap sun dress, which almost seemed out of place in such poor weather.

And this indescribably terrible ugly feeling spread through me like wildfire. Jealousy channeled the worst in me and before I knew it, I was off to talk to him.

"Azrael" I said causing him to face me. In seconds, before I even knew what I was doing, my body was plastered to his. My arms around his neck, my chest to his, my face near his and my lips on his soft, gentle ones. Only everything about this kiss was anything but gentle. Need and intense jealousy crushed my chest, so I didn't stop myself when I fervently kissed him. But then the way his arm slid around my waist and his other arm up my back, his hand threading into my hair changed the kiss entirely. My body relaxed against his and our kiss turned into a slow one. It's like everything around us became irrelevant and for some reason I felt like this was forever. It was almost as cliche as this kiss, if I'm being honest, it felt to perfect to be labeled as so. It felt to real to be called a story or even fiction, a lie.

Slowly he pulled away and his eyes met mine with an intensity that had now become familiar in every way.

"Siren" He whispered softly. A disappointed look came over his features and a sudden shame overcame me unlike anything I'd ever known. I didn't even know what he was going to say yet. I almost felt like a child about to be scolded, only it felt worse than that.

"That's just my childhood friend" He said quietly, making me feel stupid. Like so stupid I wanted to be six feet under. But at the same time, the jealously didn't leave me like it should. I yanked my body away from his, feeling mad suddenly.

"Well what I was supposed to think, damnit Azrael. I'm trying and you're not helping me. You're just. Ugh" I turned and moved quickly to get away from him.

"Si, wait" He said, grabbing, my arm.

"Don't" I snapped, yanking away from him.

"No, Si, just...just, just wait, fuck. You don't make this easy either. Just wait" He said sounding angry for lots of reasons. I kept walking, but only for a second. And then I turned to face him, to see what he and to say. The second I saw his face though, I realized I wouldn't like what he was going to say.

"I-I have to go back and talk to her" Tank said sounding pained. I flinched instantly, of course he did.

"Just forget it" I said, stomping off


"Why? Why do you have to go back and talk to her?" I questioned, letting the jealousy take over my body completely. In the back of my mind, I register I'm being a little silly, but impulse wouldn't let me go back.

"Because she's my friend who I invited, why are you being so selfish?" he said, taking over the role of being angry. That made me feet two feet tall.

He was right.

I was being selfish.

He wasn't mine; I had no claim. He could do anything with her, if he wanted.

And there wasn't one thing I could do about it...

"then go back to her, what I had to say wasn't important anyway" I said pettily.

I turned around and walked back to the stage. I wasn't a baby, I was strong.

"Hey guys, let's change it up"

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