Chapter 23

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I walked slowly down the halls to his room, knowing I'd broken at least some rule of respect and I honestly didn't want to deal with this, it was less than desirable. Never the less, I raised my hand when I got to his door to knock but The door opened before my hands could even touch the door.

"Rain" he addressed me, turning back into his office with a certain level of coldness that made me nervous.


"You will address me as your king. As I've seen tonight, you've yet to earn my respect enough to call me by name as you've shown I haven't earned yours despite sharing my home with you." Kade anger making I flinch. I showed him no respect, to the only female who laid claim to him.

"You stand incorrect, you are not my king so I will call you what I wish. I have not shown you disrespect, only your dreadful female who is less than kind" I argued, earning his anger almost instantly.

"You show me disrespect now!" He yelled at me, slamming his palms down to his desk.

"You have defied my kingdom, and insulted my soon to be wed! In that aspect, you do disrespect me, no matter whether she deserved it or not. No matter if she is in the wrong or not. Because, Rain, she is my lady in waiting. She is above you and in a world that isn't yours I suggest you tread lightly with your words and actions because you may find a harsh reality to come your way." He spoke coldly, almost making me want to cry. His anger and words lashed at me with every turn and I didn't understand it, nor did i understand why it caused me so much emotional distress.

"Are you threatening me? Me who has returned something your kingdom is desperate for, me who has done nothing but defend herself against a ruthless female you want as queen?" I cried, fairly shocked at his anger.

"It does-"

"Oh, but of course it matters Kadence! This is who you want to rule your people? You want some bitch who is unkind vs someone more caring? You want to shun me for sticking up for myself against a predator?" I argued, interrupting him.

"Out, get out." He spoke lowly, fury ablaze in his tone.


"Let me get something straight here and now, sweetheart. It doesn't matter who you are or where you came from. You are in fact standing foot in my kingdom, in my castle, in my chambers and I'll be damned if I let you show such disrespects so freely amongst my home. And so you leave me no choice. You are dismissed, you are not to leave your room unless escorted by a guard and by my demand, are we clear?" Kadence said, looking in my eyes with more anger then I've ever witnessed ever. But my anger was much, much more.

"If you think there's something we need to get straight here than it is this, My king" I spat with a menacing and low tone. He flinched slightly at my words and I took a step forth. I put my hands on his desk and leaned forward, leaving a two foot space or less between us.

"You are not my ruler and I am not one of your loyal subjects. I am a well-respected daughter of the two most legendary angels to come from gods kingdom. That is the kingdom I take a knee for darling, so you best learn your place quickly because as far as I'm concerned I am of the same rank as you. You will not sit here before me and reprimand my behavior when the woman you wish to call your wife is a degrading brat. I will not be staying in my room like some child of yours. I am a human bein. No, I am an angel of darkness and light so do yourself a favor and stay off my radar. I will not hesitate to take means necessary to get you to fall in line." I turned the threat back around on him, turning my back to him without hesitation.

"We are not finished here" Kadence shouted, from behind me.

"I beg to differ" I replied, leaving the rooms without an ounce of hesitancy.

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