Chapter 25

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'What is it you wish to speak about, Kade?" I asked, glancing up at him as I took the only chair available at the table, the one at the very end, opposite to him.

"Tonight I wish you and Dani to accompany me to a...private event you could say," He told me, stoping the explanation as royal servents and such came to serve us food. I smiled thankfully at the young woman who poured me red wine and sat a plate holding various foods before me. Picking up my glass I eyed him carefully.

"Private event?" I asked after a few moments.

"Yes. It's a very limited access, even to royals . My land goes far beyond the kingdom. We would leave the castle to another place an hour outside the castle. Your voice has been rumored all over the kingdoms, mine and others, in just the few short hours since we were in the club. People want to hear it. I am told to bring you as my plus one. However, I figured your friend coming along would make you more comfortable" Kade explained to me as he began to eat his pasta and steak.

"What does my attendance entail, exactly?" I questioned him, sipping on my wine.

"You would come dressed poise and in our nation's color. You would be expected to meet with a few kings and Queens from around the nation, you would join a feast with those same people plus some other high up royals. The end of the night is the part people wish to hear most, which is your voice. You may sing a song of your choosing as long as it is appropriate." The king's voice went ice cold at the words appropriate almost as if to imply something under the surface. Setting my glass down, I took a minute to taste my food, a groan of approval leaving my mouth. As my eyes met him, tension seemed to draw up as his heated gaze zeroed in on my lips. Clearing my throat, I looked away from him with a new blush on my cheeks. For a moment, i felt the shame of knowing this attraction laid beneath the surface for a soon to be married king, especially when i was here to save a soul mate of my own.

"I see. I suppose I could make that happen" I agreed, taking a sip of my wine once more in hopes it'll calm my nerves as i stood from the table. I find it extremely annoying that this seems to happen every time we get together.

"Very well" The king stands, his meal gone while mine was barely touched.

"Oh, and Rain?" He turned to face me, after walking a few feet towards the castle.

"Yea?" I breathed out the words, meeting his eyes briefly.

"You should really learn to not steal another person's clothes, that was my favorite shirt"

And with that, I choked on my wine.


Hours later I am dressing for the event tonight, still trying to remember how in the hell I ended up in the king's shirt. It made no sense, I specifically remember being with another man just before my room and yet I managed to be dressed in the King's clothes?

What happened is either I'm a sleeze or a full blown slut and neither option was good.


Stepping in front of the mirror, my questions fade as I examine myself in the mirror.

Man, I look hot. Definitely dressed to impress.

The outfit I wore is an off the shoulder sparkling gold dress. It was fitted up until the mid-thigh area, where it flared slightly, meeting the floor. The skirt was half a solid silk gold, while the other half was see-through lace in a shimmery ombre gold set up. It hugged my body perfectly and made me feel so beautiful. I decided to curl my hair in thick strands before pulling it up into a ponytail, the top half in a dutch braid to add to the look. For makeup, I stuck with mascara and eyeliner, the line ending in a thick wing. With a touch of blood-red lipstick and a spirt of Jeniffer Aniston's "near dusk" perfume, I was readily stepping out the door to meet a gorgeous Dani.

"Wow, you look fantastic! Michael would love it!" I told her, earning a sad smile. I knew it killed her to be far from Michael this long, especially when he had the gift to enter her dreams. It probably tore her up inside.

"Thanks! you look very nice as well." She murmured. Dani wore a beautiful gold dress as well. One that started out with white shimmers fading into solid gold as the ends of the dress. Though it had a high neckline, it hung low on her back in ripples exposing the skin there. Her hair was in loose curls, simple nude makeup decorating her skin.

We began to walk towards the entrance of the castle, making small talk about how Dani's time here has been, how huge her bed is, and how much she misses Michael.

"he's upset, our whole family is really. But michael is extremely mad i wont even admit where we are" She spoke lowly, seeming upset about this.

"Its okay, Dani. He will understand soon enough and it'll all be good again" I sympathisized, touching her arm lightly.

"I know, its just i feel terrible. He has been there with me through a lot and i fought my feelings the whole way. We had just gotten to an even ground when i did this. But im not sorry either, the cause is greater than anything he and i are" She said with her head held high, face clear of emotion. One thing i noticed with Dani is her admit behaviors to keep her feelings locked away.

"I wouldnt be so sure, you two are quite litterally goals girl. you and michael are just as important, i promise." I encouraged her, earning a silly smile.

As we approach the outside I am stopped at the top of the stunning stairs that descend down to the carriage awaiting us as well as the handsome king and his guard. Suddenly I don't here Dani as I am met with the king's stare. How handsome he looked simply couldn't be described as I looked up and down the length of his body, in the same way, he was me. Slowly I descended down the stairs as I gazed at his nice gold embroidered armor. His hair gelled back, lips prominent as I stared at his body. Damn, how could a man be this stunning?

"don't move, darling" He whispered into my ear, his lovely breath teasing my sensitive skin. His lips move slowly along my jaw, a soft moan left my lips as I felt his strong hand slide up my naked thighs. His eyes met mine and not for the first time I wondered how I got so deserving to be with a man so stunning. ineviably my hands reached to touch him, earning me a very feral sound i wasnt expecting to come from his mouth.

"oh love, you really dont listen do you?" he smirked, his hand moving to lightly brush my jaw, moving down to grasp my throat lightly. the Shock waves set my skin on fire, everything in my body cried for more while my lips remained sealed. His lips drifted to my ear, the soft wet trail of his tongue leading up to just behind it made me shiver. "bad girls get bound when they misbehave, youd like that wouldn't you?"

oh dear god, what did I do with this man. Or a better question, what did I do with this man while I'm supposed to be on a rescue mission for another that I love?

His heated gaze made me believe he knew what was going across my mind. I'm sure he remembered every bit of last night, every bit of my faded memories. I wondered if he liked it as much as I was, rewatching what had already happened.

"Shall we?" He asked with a slight smirk as Dani and I approached.

"Let's do this"

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