Chapter 15

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The CH before this was the last one edited, therefore the plot from this CH on will differ from the rest of the story. read at your own risk!

"Miss me?"

I gasped and turned my body to where the words and touches had just came from. And there he was.

He looked much different and it shocked me greatly. His once styled curly hair was now straight and messy, it was even an inch or two shorter. It was also a different shade, now it's black instead of dark brown. He wore a tight muscle tee that was black along with ripped skinny jeans. And I think...he wore black eyeliner making his eyes pop even more than before. Everything about him emphasizing bad boy now became more least the bad part did.

"W-hat are you doing here? Where have you been?" I asked desperately, moving towards him instantly.

"He's with me"

A woman with long black hair and tan skin who was in a white dress that barely covered anything. She walked over to him in a seductive manner, brushing her hand across his chest, her eyes never leaving mine. I took in a sharp breath as burning pain licked my chest. What the fuck was she doing touching my man?

"What the fuck are you doing touching him like that?" I growled out, my fists tightening by my side.

"Simply playing with what's yours. Times ticking Siren, Lucifer's patience is running out." She said smirking.

"Who are you and what have you done to Azrael?" I said stepping closer, pushing aside the fact that she was discussing the enemy.

"It's not really what I did, but what he chose. It's a romantic notion really, or it was." She taunted, plastering her body to his, she turned her head just enough to look at me.

"I don't understand" I said quietly my eyes watering at the sight of him allowing her to touch him.

"He sold his soul to save yours. When you decided to kill yourself you put the angel of death in the position of having to stop you before dying. You were supposed to die, hun. It was already written, it wasn't like you weren't supposed to be alive. And when the angel of death uses the powers to take or prevent death, going against what is written, the punishment is all up to lucifer. His soul was taken from him, as it was the only thing tying him to you. A very big punishment indeed." Her hand traveled up his chest and my eyes tracked her every move.

"Siren, get away from them" I heard Michael say from behind me.

But I didn't move an inch, I couldn't. I felt trapped and compelled to not leave Azrael's side. I mean, how could I? He needed me more than I needed him.

"Ooo the all-mighty angel came to play" the woman said smirking.

"He always did like to mix In business that wasn't his own." Azrael commented, my eyes raised to his once kind eyes. They looked so cold and emotionless now, it broke my heart to see.

All my fault.

"Camilla, leave her alone and leave" Michael said in a dark tone I had never hear before, causing her to frown. Something bad was going to happen.

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