Chapter 21

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We followed the map for about an hour before we came to a waterfall. We were supposed to swim to the bottom of the beautiful body of water surrounding it, to where we came to a stonewall, we had to do a specific pattern to get in, or we'd suffocate from lack of breath. Damn, my dad really detailed it all on the back of this map.

"What? Just swim to the bottom and hope we survive?" Dani said bewildered, staring at the map in her hands.

I dropped my backpack on the floor and took of my fanny pack.

"Wha-what are you doing?" She sputtered with wide eyes. I laughed a little at her stupid face, which really did look super dumb right now, like a fish out of water really.

"Getting ready to go down there obviously" I answered, pulling off my pants and than pulling my shirt over my head, so I was left in only a black and blue lace set of undergarments.

"So you're just gonna go down there and risk your life for some king that may deny us help anyway?" She shrieked in a sudden horror made me laugh even more. This was the most dramatic I'd ever seen her yet.

"That is exactly what I'm gonna do" I responded, re-strapping my ankle blade and then grabbing the special blade, holding it in my hand.

"Well...well I guess I have no choice then huh?" She said smiling widely, also stripping, only she left her shirt on. I suppose I could've done that but it was way to much work to put it back on.

Without hesitation, I jumped into the water, Dani followed seconds later. I pushed hard, swimming deep down to where there was a light, which is weird cause we're underwater firstly and second, you couldn't see it on ground.

My lungs are struggling as a reaction to the lack of oxogen, reminding me I needed to move quickly or I wouldn't survive this.

Right, left, down, left...


There was one more, I couldn't remember if it was right left or up again.

I held the block beside the ruin cubes I needed to push to get inside. Quickly I pushed in every block, making the pattern grow brighter the more I got right, but when I reached the last one I went left and the glow disappeared.

Dani was growing frantic besides me, our bodies are ready to fight for air.

I tried again, going left on the last one and it still failed. Contemplating for a second, I worried. Should I go right or down? I only had one chance left before our bodies would give out. Making a quick decision, I decided down and suddenly we were blasted onto hard cold ground.


"My lord, they had weapons and this one particularly had the dagger, I'm worried they had ill intent." I female voice spoke.

I couldn't move or even open my eyes, it was as if I were frozen. I knew I was in some kind of room with medical equipment because I could hear the heart monitor beating loudly, just under the females voice.

"I recognize her, I don't know what it is but something tells me this woman is not here to cause me dishonor, Sargent" the males voice sent shivers down my spine big time, I've heard that voice before. That accent, that tone. I remembered it vividly.

"But my lord-"

"Enough, Lydia. I would ask for my Sargents advice if I wanted it, you're dismissed" the male said harshly.

"Yes, Lord Kadence"


I groaned, awaking once more. My chest aches and my body felt as if hit with tons of bricks. God my head was pounding too.

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