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It all started when Tom and Star were 9 years old, both of them were the cutest bestfriends in the kingdom of Mewni and Underworld. Everyone adored them so much they even have a playground for the two royal kids of Mewni and underworld. Everyday the two would see each other just to play and have fun in the palace even if it means fighting monsters, both of them are unstoppable when they are together. No one knew what might happened if they both turned out to be the ruler but, one thing they all believed in that peace shall exist in the two kingdoms.

Everything was all perfect until one misunderstanding happened.

"LUCITOR why did you send all the corn to the pigeon kingdom?" King Butterfly asked the ruler of the underworld. "I thought it would be a nice gift to the pigeon kingdom since they did help us defeat the one they call ludo." said the king of the underworld. "WHAT??? but why would it be the corn out of all the things???? You know what I don't care anymore. You have broken my heart and I think its better if we end our friendship." said a sad King Butterfly. The Lucitor just nodded and take his leave through the door.

"Hey tom whad ya think happened uncle seems kinda sad?" Said star "hmm maybe he lost his horns again?" Said Tom with a smile on his face looking at star. "Well I hope he gets to find it." Said star smiling.

9 years old Star p.o.v

Its been 1 week since I saw tom and I missed him. I tried asking dad but, he would just turn his back and walk away with a sad face. "Star." My mom called me and so I ran my way to her
"Star im sorry but, you can't see tom anymore." Said mom with a sad tone and with that my eyes widened. "WHAT??? Why " I asked my mom and she just started comforting me.
" I miss him." I said crying while hugging mom.

Its been months and I didn't heard a single word from Tom. I started to feel lonely ever since then but, my dad and I go to the forest to hunt down monster and it started to be a habit of mine. Sometimes I would ran away from the castle just to go hunting with my sword and bow.

While I was walking through the hallway I heard mom arguing with dad. "River you do know that she is a princess and she should be prepared to be a queen not a soldier." My mother said. "Okay ill talk to her later." Dad said and then started walking away from mom to my direction so I ran to my room and locked the doors.

When I was finally in my room I saw my window open so I walked to it so I can close it until, someone tapped my back and when I turn around to see it was Tom. "Hey star. This might be the last time we see each other and I didn't want to leave without a final goodbye." He said and hugged me and whispered in my ear. "I hope we see each other again." He said and tears started falling from my eyes I didn't know what to do I couldn't move. He then let go of me and then went to my window and jumped out.

Tears started falling and I just kept wiping it away. I start to question myself 'why did he leave?' 'Who's going to be my friend now?' But all my question didn't matter because he is already gone. I knew that I was useless since I didn't got to do anything.

One month has passed and I started training archery,swordsmanship and more. My parents didn't knew because I would always do my training at night. All I wanted was to follow Tom and be strong and do things by myself now.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now