chapter 22

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Date written: April 27, 2019

"So do you like coffee? Chocolate? Tea? Donuts? Burgers?" Tom continuously asked Star about what to get for lunch. "Ah!!! What about a burrito?"
"Well that's a good idea.. I know a great place" Star said as she dragged her date to another dimension.

"Tadah " Star happily presented her favorite burrito stall that has benches and tables outside.
"This may be not fancy and expensive but, I really craved for it today. There's just something special about this place that makes me want to keep coming back."
Tom looked around the place smiled at Star. "Look it doesn't matter what or where we eat. I only just want to hangout with you and get to know you better. " Star face turned all red and just laughed and pulled tom by the arm and walked to the counter.
"Two of your finest burrito please" Star then pulled out her wallet "This time its my treat since i chose this place" Tom just looked at her and smiled and looked for a spot to sitt.

Tom's pov

I don't know why and how did it started but the first time I laid my eyes on her I knew I had to introduce myself to her, luckily Pony head gave me a way to start things off. We've been talking for awhile now and we always find time since both of us are heir to the kingdom. She then walked to towards our table holding the tacos and some drinks. "Hey. Here's you're taco Kng Lucitor" I laughed and smiled at her "What's with the formality Queen Butterfly?" We then just laughed and she sat down by my side.

"You know my bestfriend from this dimension brought me to this place years ago, and i can't believe its still here." She said as she started unwrapping her food and took a big bite. "Lucky you. I don't remember much from my past because of some accident. I wonder if i ever had a life back then not just the kingdom." She then just stared at me and swallowed what she was eating. She held my hand tight. "You may not remember the past but im sure you were a good person back then and had some friends to rely on. What's important now is that we made all the way to the top and survived the hardships." Star said and I just looked at her and unwrapped my burrito.

"I wonder, did you ever had a boyfriend in the past?" I asked as I took a bite. "Well i did. He was my first love and probably the most understanding boyfriend I could ever have." Her smile faded with just that question. I didn't want to ask her more because it seems to be too personal. "Well Mrs. Lucitor shouldn't be sad about the ex because her future husband is for sure more better and handsome than that guy." I said with confidence she just looked at me with a questioning look which made me regret and wanting to take back what I said.

Star's pov
Tom was blushing and even though he had pink skin you can see through him that he is embarrassed. I then just laughed. I didn't expect him to say that. Im happy to be able to do this with him again just eating and laughing. Even though we had a tight schedule we both managed our way to eat outside. "Well my future husband. For you to marry you should get to know me first which means... you have to take me out for another date." He then lightened up and smiled. "Then more dates to come. "

2 years later and i uodated? Wow.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now