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Everything feels so new, like The way I act all nervous when it comes to Star. This feeling is kinda weird since we've known each other for years already and it feels like I'm going to date someone who I just recently met.

She've grown up, Things definitely changed. And its been like 2 years since I last dated someone so it all now feels like that I'm starting over again. One thing I can assure is that no matter what happens I'll be the best I can be to create new memories with her since I'm also the reason why she lost them.

I jumped out of my bed and walked straight to the bathroom and take a shower to get prepared for our date.

I ended up wearing a white long sleeves, some pair of black jeans and also a white converse. I stood up in front of the mirror checking if I was all good and prepared. "Well let gets going." I said to myself and opened a portal which led me to the Butterfly kingdom.

"Oh hello Prince Tom." Someone greeted me from behind and I turned around to see who it is. "Good afternoon King River, its nice to see you again." I said to him and he offered a pat in the back. "So you are here to see Star am I right?" Asked king River looking at me straight in the eye. "Yes me and her are going on a date." I said and he just nodded with a smile and left.

While I was playing with my phone throwing it up and down I heard foot steps. "Hey you're already here." Said a familiar voice and I look up to see star in a sky blue dress. I kept staring on her that I didn't notice my phone was falling. I quickly grab it using my fire powers. "Oh no your phone is burning star said." Panicking I looked to my left and right of I can use anything to stop "ah ha here you go." Said star pouring down water to my phone from a bottle of water. "Its dead, but its okay ill buy a new one." I said

"Okay lets go." I said to Star then she opened a portal which led us to a carnival. "Wow the people here are all energetic and happy." Said Star looking around the rides, stands. "Yeah it a thing here down in the Underworld ." I said to her as she continue to walk and I follow. "Lets try this ride." Said star pointing to roller coaster. "Sure okay." I  then bought two tickets to the ride. "Please hold on to your seatbelt and the ride will begin." Said an announcer. The cart then started moving which made me real dizzy. I just remembered that I'm not good at this kind of stuff.

After the ride Star and I looked for the nearest trash can. "Okay you can go now." Said Star and I then puked on the trash continuously as she pats my back to make me feel okay. "Its okay bring it all out." She said.

As I was done I stood up straight and drank water. "I didn't knew that you're not good at this kind of things." She said and I just nodded as close the bottle and swallow what was in my mouth. "Yeah I actually forgot." I said to her. "I'm tired we should probably go home." Said star and I agreed we then walked out of the carnival. Suddenly our hands bump Star holds my hand and I stair at her. "Its okay we're dating already." She said as I hold even tighter yet gently.

"Tonight was fun." Star said standing in front of the gates of the kingdom and I nodded. "Next time I'll bring you to earth k?" Star said and she offered a hug. "Okay I'll see you." I told her she then walked close to me and gave me a peck on the lips and then left. "Bye?" I said then I turned around and opened a portal back to my room. I received a 
text from
Star- thanks for tonight. Sleep well
I replied 'no problem goodnight.'
And with that both of us are taking another step forward.

Hey how was the chap? Haha anyway thanks For reading this chap. Love you guys hope you guys continue on loving tomstar BYE SEE YA NEXT CHAP (1-3 days.)

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