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I went home early since I knew that I have some things to deal with. I never actually expected Star to talk to me. Pony head said that I should try to make a move awhile ago but I declined because I knew things wouldn't go well.

While I was in my room I took out a picture that I've been keeping for years now. It's really rare of me to look at the picture because I know that it would make all emotional and stuff but, isn't that what normal people should act? Even Demons have feelings too.

While I was in my thoughts my started ringing, I quickly grabbed it and answered. "Hello?" I said "hey Tom" said the person on the line. Wait, WAIT is this STAR?

"I was wondering how you've been since we didn't actually got to talk much at the party" said Star.
"Ohh yeah sorry about that I kinda had some urgent business to attend to." Lie I said. And then there was this moment of silence.

"Can you see the stars right now?" Star asked and then I walked to my balcony.
"Yea I see them." I said staring and the sky. "Do you ever wonder why stars appear whenever it wants but doesn't when it rains?" Star asked.

"No why did you ask." I said
"Do you think it doesn't show up when it rains because it symbolizes tears" she said I paused right at that question.

"One thing I do know is that the stars make the night sky shine." I said. Then there was a moment of silence. "Haha probably, anyway thanks for the good talk. See you." Star said in a low tone and ended our call.

After that I didn't stop gazing at the sky and thought of some things. I realized things I didn't expect and also I felt something different while talking to her.

I headed inside my room and went straight my bed and then took out my phone to check. One thing caught my eye and it was a text from star.

'Sleep well' what the message said and I just replied with an 'good night' after that I turned off my phone and tossed it to other side of the room.

Even though I got the chance to talk to her yet why does it feel so wrong. It feels like she isn't some I used to know.

"She really did change"

A/n thanks for reading and voting. Comment what you think :)
(Sorry for theSlow updates)

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