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I took a deep breathe and looked at the school probably one last time. "So you really aren't coming back?" Marco said watching me stare at our school.

"I may visit once or twice but it won't be the same." I said and then both of us walked our way to the house. "So umm will you be busy in mewni?" Marco said and I just nodded.

When we got to the house there were knights and guards all around. "Princess star please prepare to go your mom is waiting up stairs." One of them said and I just headed my way toward my room.

When I got to my room my things were all my things was already packed and there was already a opened portal. I took a deep breathe and and  turned around facing Marco.

"Hey thanks for everything. This might be kinda too late but the truth is I like you." I said to Marco and he smiled a little. "Well I guess this good bye." I said and I gave him one last hug and then entered the portal.

When I finally arrived at The butterfly kingdom I went straight to my room which was down the hallway.

When I entered my room I jumped my way to the bed. While I was laying down I realized that there were some pictures at the ceiling, most of them was me,pony head, and the one separated from all the bff pictures was mine and Tom's.

"Huh I wonder how's that demon doing" I said to myself as I stood up from my bed and got prepared for the welcome back dinner party.

After a few hours music was already playing down the ballroom. I walked my way down the stairs and to the ballroom. The place was already starting to fill up and I saw some familiar faces.

"STAR BUTTERFLY" someone screamed calling my name and when I got to turn to see who it was, it was pony head. "Hey Ph how you doin?" I asked her with a smile. She then widened her eyes "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? IM PRETTY AS EVER" Pony head said complementing herself.

Me and Pony head chatted for awhile and then I went around to see my other friends that attended until one person caught my eye.

"Good evening Princess Butterfly." Said the one person that I was thinking about the whole night.
"Oh hey Prince Tom it's a pleasure to see you here."  I said being polite since I'm a princess.

A song then played and everyone started grabbing partners and started dancing. "May I have this dance" Tom said and I just nodded.

While dancing I didn't got to resist but look at the Tom face to face.
"So how did things go for you at earth?" Tom asked
"It was fun, I ended up loving the place and the people." I replied to tom's question.

When the dance ended he offered me a drink that was brought by the waiter. "So how are you doing here? " I asked

"Well not so good actually, Royalty stuff always got in the way of my social life." Tom said taking a sip on his drink as I Nodded.

"I hope you enjoyed the night. I'll be taking my leave." Tom said as he bows. And then left.

1hr later

After the party I headed to my room and changed to my pajamas. I then took out something from my bag and it was a small box. I opened it and there it was, the necklace. I layer down on my bed and held the necklace up high looking at it.

"He really did change."

Thanks for reading and being patient.


From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now