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I leave my room and gave my guards an order not to tell my parents. I slowly walk to the park. I'm wearing my moss green jacket, white shirt and a pair of black jeans and my converse.

The moon is showing up. Its getting darker and the lights of the park light up. I see her from a far view sitting on a swing and wearing black shirt and some white shorts. When I finally made my way close to the swing, I stopped beside it.

Star continued swinging and stopped. "Hey you're here." She says and I sit on the other swing.
"Yeah I'm here." I didn't move my swing instead I faced downward where I can only see my feet.
"I'm sorry." I said quietly. It was just two of at the whole park. She starts laughing.

"Tom you think this is easy? I haven't see you for like 2 months and Awhile ago you call me wanting for a break up?I mean right now you just showed up because I told you so. " her words started trembling. I stand up from my swing and face her.

'I know I'm being stupid.'
'I know at some point I lost it'
'I know I messed up big time.'
'I played with your heart just by not being honest with you.'
I want to tell her every single thing.

I take a deep breathe. "I can't do this anymore, nothing is wrong with you. I mean you're the best girl I could ever meet. I'm actually the problem between us." I said she then stands up.

"Then whats the problem? We both could have fixed it if you were willing to." She says crying. I pull her into a tight hug. "Star I can't stay anymore longer myself." She continues to cry on my chest.

"We both know that I have my memories all damaged up ever since our accident. Both of us got affected by the accident and yours was forgetting how we got back after our first break up." I hug her tightly.
"Months later I'll forget every single thing about you and me even my parents. Before anything happens I want you to see the us before we had that accident." She stops crying and holds me tighter.

"The fact I still have my memories. Your still the girl I loved and that would last forever even if I forget every single thing." I let go of our hug and she does the same. Her face is full of tears. It started getting windy so I took off my jacket and made her wear it.

I pull her into a one last hug and whisper. "Please move on from now on but don't forget me. We may see each other at most times, I want you to smile act like a stranger. Once again I love you." I kissed her on the forehead and smiled. Told her to leave since its more dangerous now that is night. I opened a portal that leads her to her room. She entered and gave me a smile and a wave.

My face feels wet. I touch it. "Oh its just tears." I said to myself. "I thought this would have been easy." I was crying I kept on wiping the tears away.
"Its okay.. It's finished. Why are you crying like this?" I wanted it to end because I didn't want her to be hurt. In the end I'm the one here crying,punching and kicking my everything on a post. Questioning why did we have that cliff accident.
"Its all over now. One day everything will be gone and erased. I wish my feelings for her wont be forgotten too."

MERRY CHRISTMASSSS GUYSSS I Wanted to update since Christmas is near so there you go. Thanks for all the support all the way to the last chap!

Stay happy and love Tomstar mmkay?
Byeeee see you guys! maybe

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now