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Yesterday was fun. The rides didn't made it all the great memories instead it was Tom. It all feels so new, the way we act when we are together is different when it comes to just being friends. I've never felt this joy in my heart ever since then. The only part that I am afraid of is forgetting all this again.

Tom never really have mentioned what happened between both of us in the past. That time when we saw each other at the meeting I really didn't know him. Pony head just told me that he broke my heart, cheated on me and never took me seriously. I really didn't know if all of those were true that time, so that time I was really pissed when I saw him.

Even my parents didn't mention Tom to me. Having an accident and amnesia is the worse. You forget everything that you love and hated. Back in Earth a year before I left, I learned what everyone was trying to hide from me the fact that I lost some of my memories. Mom and Dad made me stay in Earth so I can start fresh. Both of them were afraid of me having an accident again.

In the end I won something from it, I made friends from Earth and also I'm here standing in the balcony and I'm still a princess and the person I'm dating is Tom lucitor. Some wouldn't have come true if I didn't have that accident.

My phone started ringing and as I check who it is, its Janna. I quickly answered the video call and walked to my room and opened the lights.

"JANNA BANANA." I screamed seeing a friend of mine on the call.
"Hey star how have you've been doing." Asked Janna holding a weird book.
"Just fine." I said to her she then dropped her book and looked at me.
"Hmm are you dating someone?" Janna screamed shaking her laptop

"Yeah, hahaha sorry for not telling you." I said to her and then she started dancing and stuff.
"Yo marco Star's on the laptop." Janna screamed and walked out of the couch and then marco went to check.
"Hey star how are you doing." Marco said and I took a good look on his face.
"YOU HAVE PIMPLES AND A BEARD." I screamed through my phone and he started explaining and laughing.
"Anyway we called because we want to invite you on a double date and lets include janna." Said marco I then accepted.

After the call Marco texted me about the date that is on friday which is after 3days. After that I textTom on what both of us are going to do tomorrow.

Star- wanna go somewhere tomorrow?
I press send.

Btwwwwwwwww im planning to make the ending sad HAHAHA would you guys like that? Lol sorry haha anyway please like and comment THANKS

Probably the chaps will 1-40 idk haha

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now