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"Ding" Ding" my alarm clock started ringing to let me know that it was already 7am. I then stood up and realized that I'm late for school. "Wait I'm in mewni" I said to myself in a realization.

I then jumped back to my bed and went under the covers. I checked my phone if anything was up and the first thing that popped out was a text from Marco Diaz.

Diaz- hey you doing anything today?

I didn't have the energy to reply since I'm actually tired and not in the mood to see Marco.  I then started swiping up to see my contacts if anyone is interested to have lunch. I already texted Pony head and she said that she was busy.

I continued swiping my contacts until one was left. "Tom... well it won't be so bad since he and I are friends probably it would be fun" I said to myself not knowing if this the right thing to do.

Me- hey Tom want to hangout later this afternoon?
For awhile Tom then replied.
Tom- just woke up, yea sure I'll clear my schedule later.
Me- cool see you then at the kingdom by 12:00pm

After that I turned off my phone and stood up from my bed. "Okay why did I do this?" I asked myself and started walking around my room. I then walked to my closet of stuff and took out a punching bag and started kicking and punching it.

Well there you that's how I start my morning. I then changed my clothes into a black sleeveless and so me jeans.
I then grabbed a flannel sleeves and wore it.

"Okay seems that I'm already prepared." I said to myself looking at mirror. My phone then started ringing and then I answered it. "Ok I'll be down stairs in 15 minutes" I said on the line.
I then went to my bed and grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs.

The first person that I saw was Tom. He was wearing black jogger,white Nike shoes and gray long sleeves for top. "Good afternoon ms. Butterfly. Forgive me for wearing casual clothes." He said "no its okay we're just going out to have fun." I said in a plain tone.

"Well lets go then" Tom said leading the way to a carriage.

(15 minutes later)

The first place me and Tom checked out was the arcade dimension. I told him that the tickets and tokens would be my treat so I bought a lot of them.

"So what should we play first?" Tom asked I then looked around and one caught my eye and it was the 'Train of doom' I then pointed at its spot and pulled him to the place.

"Woah you sure about this? " Tom asked and I just kept on nodding and then went in the cart.

We then started moving and all i saw was jump scares, to be honest I was surprised and I ended up Hugging WHAT A GREAT WAY TO START THE  DAY.

After me and Tom played the games in the arcade our next destination was a Cafe known in all dimensions.

(To be continued on the next chapter)

A/n -if you guys want to know when I update it every 3 days hahaha thanks for reading :)

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now