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Star's p.o.v

"Mom what is it?" Star said walking in the main room just to see her mother looking at a window. "Star the kingdom is not safe now, and we have no other choice but to protect you." Moon said facing her daughter.

"What do you mean? I'm already safe here with everyone. I mean I'm already an grown up you know." Star said looking at her mother's eyes.

"Star this isn't just about you my dear, its also about the kingdom. All of us are going to war and we want you to be safe because, you are the princess of butterfly kingdom and you have the greatest power." Said Moon

"But mom-" star was cut off by her father. "I'm sorry Star but this isn't a choice for you to make its a need." Said River. Star then just nodded and walked out of the room and walked to the hallways.

While walking she received a call from Ponyhead through her magical earpiece.

"Hey ph whats the problem?" Star asked through the earpiece

"I should be asking you that, you stormed out of the meeting after that tom followed and then I just got home to hear that you're living Mewni!" Pony Head screamed loud as ever.

"Yea its more of a shock to me but, don't worry about me I'll be fine. My parents said that someone's going to be with me that they can trust." Said Star wondering if who this person is

~moments later~

"So star here is your ride to a place no one can harm you. " said river until someone came out of the (idk how to call lets just say a van.)

"Tom? Why are you here?" Said Star facing Tom. "Star I'm just her to give you something important." Said Tom and then handed star a necklace.

"This is.... A departing gift or a see you later gift" Tom said and left the palace. Star didn't knew how to react. questions  started pooping out like: what does he mean by see you later?

"Mom what does tom mean by see you later?" star asked facing her mother.
"well dear when Tom heard that we are having a war he wanted to help because he knew that you would be in trouble." Moon said in reply. 

"so you mean that he's going to war with you guys?" asked star with her voice shivering. Moon then just nodded in reply. 

"star you better get going before your ride leaves" said King river and star just looked back and went in, holding the necklace tightly.

"Dad please whatever happens please tell tom to be safe." star said and King river just nodded.


sorry that i haven't been updating. things for me just got kinda hard since i just got bestfriend zoned. Hahahaha but anyway heres your update sorry for the short one. see ya

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