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After the night me and Tom celebrated his birthday we didn't get in touch. I tried calling him everyday and its already been a month. I don't know what just happened and why he is acting like this so suddenly.

Another month later I visited the underworld kingdom and asked the guards if I can see Tom. They asked my name and when I said "Star." They quickly said "sorry, but master Tom is busy with his schedule." I then got annoyed, so i take a deep breathe and let it all out.

"Do you guards know who I am?" The guards nodded and stood still.
"Why am I not allowed to see my boyfriend Tom? " I ask them and they look at each other not knowing what to say.
"It is an order of the king so we can't do anything." The guard on the left said.
"Wait king?" The guard on the right then stepped on the other one's foot.
I then just left and went to the underworld's park/playground.

I sit on a swing. I grab my phone from my pocket receiving a call from Tom.
"Hey." A cold voice spoke I don't know what to say because I really have nothing to say anymore.
"I'm sorry.... Its hard for me to say this but lets-" I cut him off
"Go to underworld Garden now!." I said on the phone sounding a little mad.

I know what's he's going to say.
I don't want to hear it.
I cant accept it.
But I want to see him, even if I hear those words.
I'm slowly breaking down all over again.
I'll be showing that smile again.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now