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2 years already passed and yet I'm still here in my boring room thinking about Star. Man how I miss her, but I don't think she misses me. Things change over 2 years. She changed and so did I.

I actually had a girlfriend the last year, but we only lasted like 4 months. We broke up because she thought that I didn't care for her since I always didn't spent my time on her instead I spent in Kingdom works.

Everything was going fine here in the kingdom. My Dad and king River finally made up last year, they had too since both of the kingdoms are being doomed by some crazy lizard. Good thing they had their problem fixed and their all good.

While I was in my thoughts my phone rang. I then stood up from my bed and picked it up. " hello?" I said "DEMON BOYYYY I HAVE A GREAT NEWS FOR YOU" Pony head screamed through the phone. "Oh hey pony head." I replied back. she then told me to wait for something and then ended the call.

Well over the past year me and Pony head got along since Star left she didn't have anyone to bother but me. Yep like I said things changed.

"Prince Thomas you have a letter from The Butterfly Kingdom" said my Knight holding a letter and passing it to me. "Ummm thanks"  I said to the knight and He went out of my room.

"Dear Prince Thomas, the tomorrow night we will be holding a welcome back party for princess Star. Please come and join us with your parents, Thank you."

Okay I did not expect that coming. I then walk my through balcony. 2 minutes later I started panicking "HOW AM GOING TO FACE HER?'"
I screamed to myself looking like and idiot.

"DEMON BOY I RANG YOUR PHONE 5 TIMES AND YOU DIDN'T ANSWER"  Pony head said coming out of a dimension. "Owww shiz sorry" I said to pony head checking my phone.
"Well anyway are you ready?" Pony head asked me in a serious tone and with just that I knew what she meant.

"I actually don't know.... 2 years passed maybe she's dating someone already." I said to pony head.
"Okay look. I know my bestie for years already and one thing that I sensed is that she isn't interested in dating someone mostly since she got-"  Pony head didn't continue what she was saying and a moment of silence passed.

"JUST PREPARED AND LOOK YOUR BEST TOMORROW! " Pony head screamed at me and then cut opened a portal and left.

I took a deep breath and let it all out. "Whatever happens tomorrow will change everything. I need to be at my most best"

Hahaha svtfoe is going great. Tom? Aye he got to control he's anger issues! and somehow I like the way he made Star smile.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now