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Me and star arrived at the cafe place and a waiter walked his way to us and led us to a table. Both me and star then sat down. The waiter then took out a paper and ballpen.

"So what would you two lovely couples want?" The waiter asked and there was this feeling of awkwardness. "No! No! We're just friend." Star exclaimed and I just looked at her.

"Well it doesn't look like that to sir" the waiter said looking at me and then my eyes widened and I shaked my head. "Uh no no, were just childhood friends" I said panicking.

"Well if you two say so. May I take your order then?" The waiter said. "Mine would be hot chocolate." I said and looked at Star on what she was going to order. "Umm I would just like a coffee." Star said and the waiter left.

"So when did you get into coffee?" I asked. She then laughed "Well when I was in earth I always had school work to do so I was busy always." She said
"Ohh haha well yea I heard that it makes you stay up all night." I said to her.

The waiter then walked to us with our drinks. "Here's your order" he said placing our order and there was also a sandwich. "Um we didn't order this" star said . "It's on the house" the waiter said and walked away.

Then there was a card beside it and so I took it and read. "Please comeback again after you guys are together." I said and me and Star looked at each other and laughed.

"Well the waiter seems desperate for something that will never happen." I said and then she laughed but it kinda sound a like a forced laugh.

We then started drinking our orders and shared the sandwich

(2hrs later)

I was walking Star home since the place we from awhile ago was just close to the kingdom.  "Tom I have a question" star said and stopped while I was in front and I faced her. "Yea?"

"Do you want to go out again?" Star said "well depends where and what-" I was cut off
"no I mean start dating again!" Star exclaimed. To be honest I didn't expect this.

"Well let me think about it, I'll give my answer tomorrow." I said WOW I'm here trying to act all mature. Star then just nodded her head and went inside the kingdom.

'Do you want to go out again' that question never left my mind. . .

Sorry for a short one

So hey how was that? Haha I updated early cuz I have no school Yay. Btw thanks for the wonderful comments 😄

See you guys on another chap (1-3 days)

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now