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Continuation of chapter 2

When star got a glance at Tom her eyes widened and tried to ran to the other side of the room but, she failed for she was pulled when she was in the middle. "B-fly lets go the meeting is about to start." Said Pony head

Star then just nodded her head and followed Pony head to their assigned seats. Star was sitting in edge of all which was assigned as leader of Mewni. Pony head was sitting on the left side. By surprise Tom was seating on the other edge of the tabel.

"Let the meeting begin." Said someone "okay so Princess Butterfly you are going to plan on how we will bring peace to our homeland Mewni and Underworld Kingdom. " said a councilor or another leader. "My kingdom and the Lucitor's are in good terms we just grew to hate demons." Star said with a cold tone

"But princess its a disrespect to the demons if in a history book of the butterfly kingdom it says hate demons." Said another councilor or leader.  Star was getting irritated with the questions for she also hates the demons.

"Look my ancestors history can not be undone or be written again for it is history." Said star punching the table standing up.  Someone was about to speak but Tom interrupted.

"Look it doesnt matter if the history of butterfly kingdom grew to hate us. We are in good terms thats all that is needed." Tom said and with that Star stormed out of the room.

"He's so annoying, who do he think he is??? How am i going to my university if i cant even fix a simple problem." Said Star who punched the wall and earned a bleeding hand.

"Star, we need to talk." Tom said entering the balcony and then saw Star's hand which is bleeding. Tom ran his way to star and held Star's hand.

"What happened? Oh men its bleeding so hard." Tom said he then removed his necktie and used it to cover Star's bleeding hand. "You should be careful you know." Tom said

"Why should you care? All you care about is your kingdom." Said Star annoyed on how Tom was being sweet, trying hard to help Star's bleeding hand.

"This is gonna hurt." Said Tom "what do y-" Star was cut off because she screamed in pain for what tom did was to heat Star's hand.

"Sorry its the only way to connect your bones, if i hadn't heated it you might not have a hand anymore." Said Tom who was still examining Star hand.

"Tom can you just leave me alone." Star said looking away. Tom looked at Star with a confused look. "I don't know why you should care about me, i mean 12 years ago you just pushed me away."  Star said with a low tone

"Star I'm really sorry for what I did back then the truth is I did that because I was scared that you might be dangered.  If other kingdoms knew that you were my childhood friend and also the girl a like you might be attacked." Said Tom with a tint of blush across his face.

Star didn't know what to say because she just heard Tom confess!! Her head was all messed with feeling and hatred.

"Your highness Butterfly  there is an emergency meeting in the kingdom. The majesties wanted you to be there now " Said a guard and that made Star snapped out of her thoughts.

"I need to go." Star said and walked out of the balcony leaving Tom alone. "I really messed up." Tom said to his self looking at picture.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now