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What I said yesterday WAS REALLY EMBARRASSING! I didn't knew what came to my mind and said  that out of nowhere. Yet even if I felt embarrassed and all I felt kinda happy since probably this what I was feeling.

I grabbed my phone and then called Pony head. "Hey Ph lets see each other Today Asap after the call" I said to her and then ended the call.

Later on there was a portal opened up my room and Pony head went out of it.
"Hey B-fly what is so important that you need to use ASAP?" Said Pony head panicking. Pony then continued speaking since I didn't answer she complained about me on calling her and stuff.

I then cut her off "I asked Tom if he would like to date again." I said and then she stopped at her tracks and her eyes were all wide. "YOU DID WHAT?"
She screamed to my face. 

"I asked him out." I said again
"and what did he said?" Asked Pony head.  "Well he said that he'll think about it" I said to Pony head.

She then started freaking out and messed my room up. "B-fly we've been friends for so long and I know you won't do this, but please don't break his heart." Pony head said and then left.

What break his heart? What does she mean by that probably in the end he'll be the one doing that to me.

Sigh* I really don't know what to do. I walked to the other side of my room which was a cabinet of mine and there I took out a small box. I opened it and then took out a silver necklace that Tom gave 2 years ago.

"So in the end I'm the one coming back." I said to myself. I then texted Marco.

Star-hey sorry I didn't got to reply to your text yesterday day

Few minutes later

Marco- it's okay. How are you doing by the way?

Star- well I just confessed to someone who I didn't see for years and then met him at the ball and then after a day asked him out.

Marco-  just do what your heart desires

After that our conversation ended. I threw my phone to the other side of the room. Seconds later It started ringing and the contact I.D 'Tom Lucitor'

"Do what your heart desire?" That seems to be hard. I then answered the call.

Hey guys I had free time so I decided to write. Thanks for all the love that you guys comment and don't worry the next chapter will be soon (1-3 days)

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now