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Yep here I'm here in my room rethinking what just happened. Lets clear things that happened.
First I asked tom out
Second He rejected me a day later
Third seconds after that rejection he asked me out.

I really don't know how to react to this. There this weird side of me that wants to go celebrate what just happened and the other is regretting or doesn't know what to do. I need to tell Marco what just happened. I grabbed my phone from the side of the bed and then swiped up to see Marco's contact.

"Hey Marco you busy right now?" I said
"Nah I'm just in my room looking at the ceiling." He said on the line.  "Ill be there in 5 seconds so prepare." I said to him and then ended the call. After that I stand up from my bed and walk to the mirror to check how I look and then opened a portal. When I went to the other side I saw Marco sitting down on a chair near his desk.

"Hey what seems to be the problem?" He said pushing a chair near me to sit on. "Well you see my mind is in a mess right now." I told him while i was gripping on a necklace. "Let me guess you got rejected?" He said then I wave both of my hands for a no. "Well I did get rejected, but seconds later he's the one who asked me out." I said to him and then his face was like 'what?' "Well you see I confessed and then one day later we decided to meet up and then we got together... again." I said the last part quieter.

"WAIT TOM LUCITOR??? THE GUY THAT DUMPED YOU?" Marco said standing up from his chair and stared at me for awhile. "Yeah....." I said to him and then looked down to break the eye contact. "Star if that guy breaks your heart you better be prepared." Marco said with a sign of freaking out and I just lowered my head. He then sighed and pats me on the back. "Look I really don't know what happening but I'm just trying to protect you since your my bestfriend."  Marco said and with that I stood up and gave him a hug.

When I got back at my room the first thing that I did was jump back to my bed. I then opened my phone and texted Tom.

Star- what happened yesterday was really weird and awkward.

Tom- don't feel awkward about.... lets try from the start tomorrow okay?

Star- sure ill see you tomorrow.

"Hope that things wont get awkward." I said to myself and hug my pillow tight as I can and out of no where some memories flood in. The guy that dumped me years ago will be seeing me tomorrow for a small date.

And with just that both of us are going back "from the very start."


Ill be updating after I get better and stuff or if I have the time

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Ill be updating after I get better and stuff or if I have the time. THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT SEE YOU GUYS ON THE NEXT CHAP (1-4 days)

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now