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Its 9:00 pm and star called me out here in the highest point of the mountain here in earth. she said to bring a tent. And its been 2 hours already and she still isn't here. I kept on calling her phone and yep no answer.

Because of boredom I set the tent up by myself and start a camping fire.
"In case that girl doesn't show up I'm prepared to sleep here." I say as sit on the cold grass.

1 hour later

Its 11:45 and no sign of star. "Okay I need to get to sleep." I stand and walk to my tent until someone hugs me from behind. "Hey Tom sorry for making you wait." I turn and to see my girlfriend wearing moss green hoodie, black shorts and a dark brown cap.

"Hey what took you so long?" I say and give her a hug. "Well I needed to buy a special something." She says hiding something from her back.
"Its gotta be a food since Im starving because of all the waiting." She then goes to a mini cooper car which I assume she drives here in earth.
She then screams "close your eyes don't open until I told you so." I did what she said and waited for her to say something.
"Happy birthday." She says and I open my eyes to see her holding up a cake that is lighted. "Wait! Its my birthday?" I ask
"yep look at the time and date." She says. "We are here in earth which means your birthday would be the next day in mewni." I then nodded because I knew what she meant since every birthday of mine my family always would go on a trip just us.

"We just got back together and you didn't need to do much effort for this." I say blowing the candles and wore the birthday hat she gave. "Its my responsibility since I'm your girlfriend she say, we then sit on a blanket beside the tent.

"The stars are shining so bright tonight here." I said looking at her looking up the sky. "Thats what I love about earth." She then stands up and took out something from her pocket. "This whole thing probably is too perfect, but I want to make it better." She says and hands me a gift. When I open it, it was a bracelet not just any bracelet its a beaded bracelet.

I stand up and give her a tight hug. "I'll treasure it." I said then both of us started eating the cake.

The night felt so perfect.
Every part of it.

11 more months to go.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now