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2 years later

It's already been two years since I left mewni and my mom called me and said that everything was fine. My parents decided to let me stay on earth to study about life or just some education stuff. I met some friends here and the guy that is known as my best friend 'Marco Diaz'

I actually got along with everyone here they always try to help me understand what's happening on earth or some stuff that I didn't knew exist. Everyone thinks of me as an immature princess that came from another world. It actually doesn't matter that much to me since I myself know that isn't true even Marco doesn't know that.

The things that I have been doing here on earth are mostly just an act. The only true part is that I see the people around me as friends. I learned that I cared for them and no matter what happens I always want to be their to protect them.

In the end I know that I'll be the one at hurt leaving everything behind and starting a new life again back in mewni is the hardest part. There's this part of me that doesn't want to leave everyone and the other one is wanting to go home.

What can I say everything doesn't always go our way right? We always have a choice to pick and we can't choose both.

"Starrr hurry up we're gonna be late for school" Marco said calling me out from the stairs. "Yea sure I'll just tie my hair" I screamed back at Marco from my room. I then rand down from the stairs and saw Marco waiting at the door. Both of headed our way to school.

"Hey star you kinda seem down" Marco said looking at me while walking our way towards the school grounds.
"What a magical princess like me sad?? That'll never happened" I said in an annoying voice. "Well that's good I have a good news to tell you later."

While in class our teacher was teaching about the galaxy and stuff while I was just checking out my phone calendar. "5 more days huh" I said to myself

When our bell rang it means that its lunch time so I walked out the room and saw my Friend Janna. "JANNA BANANA" I said while running towards to hug her. It's really hard to keep up this act. It's been two years and only one person know who really I am and yep it's the girl I'm trying to hug.

Janna didn't actually got to confirm but one thing I know that she saw me somewhere talking to the phone like a badass princess. "Oh hey star" Janna said trying to resist the hug. "Btw lets go get lunch Marco has a news for us." I said and pulled her to the cafeteria.

When we got to our table the first thing we saw was Marco and Jackie having lunch together. "OMAY GHAD MARCO AND JACKIE CONGRATS" I screamed acting like a child and Marco smiled at me same as Jackie. 4 of us then continued eating our lunches and talked about the school's boring rules.

From the very start (tomstar fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now