New room.

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The school had a uniform, sadly. But I guess it was pain I had to live with.

Pulling on the blazer, and then the suit coat, I made my way towards the door, ignoring the fact I was hungry, I was way too excited to go to this school. Jumping in my car, I sped towards the school grounds.


As soon as I got there, I could taste the money in the air, boys stared at me, as I got out of my car, and made my way to the front gate. the wind rustles the air, making me shiver slightly, as I reached for the lock. But a hand beat it me to it. I let out a cry of fright, looking up to my a boy way taller then me, his eyes looked right through me. He pushed my hand off, opening the gate , and pulling it behind him. So I wouldn't make it through. I glared at the at the back of his head, but I couldn't ignore the butterflies he gave me, just from his stare.

My god, what happened to a fresh start, here comes another boy to ruin all my dreams, and the worst part is that he's probably straight. Which is gross. I pulled on the lock, opening it, and stepping into the school. Some boys running pass.
I made my way up the front stairs, ignoring the stares. I didn't look like them, and they knew it. I probably looked like a walking zombie.

"How are you mister foxin?" I looked up, to find a plump lady sitting in front of me, her lip stick pushed against her lips, and her legs crosses.
"Morning, miss" She looked me at me shocked, before snorting, and pushing out her fingers. I looked down at them confused.
"Its misses to you darling, pft" oh? I nodded, clutching at my bag a little tighter. This was getting awkward.
"So, do I get my room key?" The smile returned on her lips, as she got up, and walked pass me, towards a room. She opened the door, and inside was a small office. She opened a draw, and it showed keys hanging up.
"You have this one, and another spare, that we keep, just in case you miss place your other one, but please don't." I nodded, taking the key from her hand, and reading the golden letters imprinted on the silver.

"34B?" She smiled, showing her lipstick covered teeth.
"Yes, that means you have a room mate." I felt my heart sink, but I quickly gathered up my hope, maybe we would be come nice little friends.
"It's not really room mates, you have your room, and your side of the pent house, he has his, you just share a dining room" I nodded, clutching the key in my hands.
"We have stocked up your books in your room, and two other uniforms. You also can eat down here in the cafeteria, or stay and eat in your room." I already knew that I would stay in my room.

"No bringing girls over, after school hours, you can go out, be back before 10:00" she didn't need to worry, about me bring girls back. I let out a chuckle, but nodded none the less. We stopped at two doors, and she passed me a school map, with all my classes, and the teachers names.
She turned away to leave, but spun around again.
"Classes start at 12:00" I felt happy now, that was basically the middle of the day, that gave me time to study, and sleep in.

"Night fox" I watched her chuckle, before walking away, leaving me standing at the door.
I pushed on the door handle, and it pushes open easier then I thought it would. I opened the door, dropping my bags in the door, and removing my shoes. I then pick them up, and walk into the pent house. I looked around, it looked modern, and very white and black, someone had been here, there was a news paper on the table, and an coffee cup. I placed my water bottle down next to the cup, only to jump, to hear a cough behind me.

"Who the fuck are you?"

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