Parties and gun point.

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I sat in the car, outside of the club, girls making their way in, followed by guys behind them. I hadn't gone to the trouble of dressing up, I had thrown on skinny jeans, and a hoodie. I got out, quickly making my way to the door. A man placed his hand  on my chest. He then raised his brow.
"Foxin." He dropped his eyes to his phone, before nodding and removing his hand. I sighed, slipping into the door.
Why was I here again? Oh right, because a insane guy that I once liked, was trying to plot to probably kill me. I laughed to myself, pushing through the bodies grinding against each other.
This place was insane though, the lights flashing, and the amount of girls taking slutty pics in the corners of the club! I found a couch, sitting down, avoiding eye contact with anyone around me. A few girls sat across of me, clearly drunk out of there minds, one girl looked like she was going to be sick, another girl had a guy under her arm, and the third girl was giggling, mumbling something about a smurf, and who wanted to be her smurf king. I sighed, people when they were drunk, were stupid.

I grabbed a shot from a waiter that walked past, drowning it down. I quickly hitting me. I got up, making my way towards the dance floor. Soon I found a girl that looked drunk enough to let me get weird with her. A few moments later, I felt a arm wrapped around my waist, and yank me away from the girl.
"What the fuck ma-" I turned around to see Alex. I shoved him away, but he quickly over powered me, his eyes warning me. I sighed, as he pulled me away from the dancing bodies. I yanked me up some stairs, before he pushed me into a small room, the smell of smoke, filled the air, the music soon drifted away. I sat on the bed, I wasn't in the mood to talk, or get laid. Or maybe I wasn't  drunk enough. I don't know. But it didn't matter, I came to this party to find someone new, and get away from a psycho guy that was probably at my door right at this moment. I looked over to Alex, his head against the door, he was trembling.

I got up quickly, how drunk was this guy? I placed a hand on his back, and he stumbled away, a gun flashing in my sight. My eyes widened, my heart beating raising. He was going to kill me. No, no, maybe it's just something you keep on you at parties? But when he pushed the gun into my chest, still trembling, my heart dropped. I lifted my arms, even now I was shaking. This was how I was going to die, to the hands of a guy that told me I had bad taste in guys. I wanted to open my mouth to scream, but even if I did, the music was too loud down there. Nobody would hear a gun shot. Let alone my shout. I bit my tongue, hoping someone would walk in, and at the same time, someone would.

Both eyes flicked to the door, when it started turning, like someone had answered my prey, and turned it into a curse.

Is he gonna die.......? Who's at the door?

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