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I sat there in front of the tv, the lights flashing, as the man on the screen got shot. I sighed, shuffling my head back on the couch. Only to jump when there was a ding at the door. I sighed, lazily getting up, and opening it. A man stood there, holding a bunch of roses, and a box, he passed the stuff to me, before making off down the block. I stood there a bit, staring at the flowers before me, before they started to making my arm swore. I took them inside, filling a vase with flowers. And throwing them in, before opening the small box. Inside was an envelope, with a gold lining. I opened it roughly, ripping the soft paper with my fingers.

Morning mister Foxin.
You have been invited to a party, being hosted by Master Alexander.
You are expected to arrive at 7:30 on Monday evening next week all things with be taken care off.
The party will be hosted on the third floor.
Thank you, mister Foxin.
Rude. Just rude.

I grabbed the letter throwing it in the rubbish, that was probably auto sent, that meant nothing. I threw myself back on the couch, turning up the tv. At least if he wanted to make things better, he would have actually tried. Maybe written a letter himself. Whatever, didn't matter at this point, he fucked his chance up. Or did I fuck my chance up? No. No. It was definitely him that fucked up first.

A week passed and it was again Monday. I sat at my kitchen table, chewing on a sandwich. It was a horrible day out there, the wind blew, and the rain growled, making me want to stay in even more. The invitation sat in the back of my mind, but at this point, I had made up my mind, I wasn't going. It was boring, but it was better then seeing that shitty asshole. He had no right to talk to me, or invite me to his shitty party. But then again, it could be a great chance to meet a new guy. Maybe No.

I moved to my couch checking the time. It was 6... I lay down on the couch switching on the tv. There was nothing on. I sighed, closing my eyes, and drifting off. I soon got woken to a voice that went off. I jumped up, only to realise it was the answer machine. I sighed, getting up to click the button, Jacob voice filling the room. "I am sorry about the other day, but we need to talk, I have found your house, and I am coming over." There wasn't anyway he could know my floor number, I had change floors, I guess he could ask at the front desk. I really didn't want to see him again, I wanted to move on and he was making that very bloody hard.

I guess I am going to a party tonight.

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