Date crashers.

558 19 4

Sunday rolled around, and I felt giddy. I sat at a small cafe we had agreed on, and I wasn't feeling at ease. Peoples stares seemed to linger on me. And every time someone spoke, and seemed to jump. I was probably just nervous. I felt a presence behind and, and I turned around to see Alex behind me, walking up. He stood in a suit, and his hair back, he looked better then when I had seen him in that club. He had a laptop bag at his side, and his phon win his other hand, placing the bag down, he pulled out the chair across from me, a huge smile on his lips. Soon the stares came in more, like I had a king In front of me kissing my feet. I was confused, but every time I made eye contact with someone staring, they would look away.

"Hey, foxin is it?" I nodded simply.
"Yeah, sorry I had a meeting, and I was kept up a bit." I smiled.
"Yeah it's fine, I have that a bit too, where do you work?" Maybe if I found out where he worked, I could work out, why everyone was staring.
"There.." he pointed across the street, to a huge skyscraper. 'KkCorp.' In big gold lettering.
"Damn, that's impressive." He laughed, and called a waiter over. She took our orders, and we settled in. I felt out of place, but his presence around me, seemed to make me giddy, but still relaxed, and I felt more normal. But I did still look like a lost little teenage boy. He talked about everything, and he seemed to smile at everything I had to say. Jacob would never laugh at my jokes. Jacob...

No, no, I need to get him out of my head, he wasn't a part of this Cna I even call this a date? Alex leaned down and took a sip of his drink, before bringing up the one thing I hoped he wouldn't.
"So what was a little boy like you doing gonna club?" Fuck, I knew bring up other guys was a no no on dates. Not that this was a date, well.....I could be, I don't know.
"Me and a friend were celebrating passing exams." He nodded, looking down at his drink in front of him.
"That's what I used to do when I was your age." My age, fuck....that was a detail, I did forget to ask.
"How old are you?" I covered my mouth, shit that was rude. What was I thinking? I can't just ask that.
"It's fine, I get that a lot, I am 28" I smiled, that was a hot age. He chuckled, probably reading my fucked up mind.

"Yeah, I have gotten worse, so it's fine." I nodded, I sighed, I needed to breath.
I excused myself from the table, making my way to the bathroom. I let out a sigh, and leaned over the sink. Washing my hands in the sink. This was good so far, I couldn't let this fuck up. This was my chance, to be let free from Jacob.

I opened the door, and made my way back out to the table, then I stopped in my tracks, making eye contact, with no other then Jacob. He stood there in front of an frustrated looking Alex. I took a step back, and Jacob glared at me, facing back at Alex behind him.
"What the fuck?" I wanted to say the same. There was no way these two guys could know each other right? Jacob is a college student, and Alex is a business man. That doesn't mix. But then again, I am a college student.

I got nocked out of my thoughts, when a chair crashed in front of me. Jacob yelling, and the people in the tables around us getting up, and shuffling away. A few men came out, trying to grab Jacob, that was now screaming at trying to attack Alex. Alex getting up careful, and grabbing my sleeve, pulling me away from the scene. I was in shock, why were they fighting, how did they know each other, did they know each other? He didn't even ask, as he pulled me into a black car, I watched as the men with a hold on Jacob let go of him, and he ran towards the car. I let out a small yelp, as he banged on the window, the men soon pulling him away from the car, and we sped away. I had never seen Jacob so pissed in his life. His wild eyes watching mine, as I left him there struggling. I felt bad, I really did. But I didn't know what was going on.

We soon pulled up to an hotel, and Alex pulled out his phone, calling a number, and mumbling some stuff into the phone. A man came down, and walked us up to a suit. I stood there in the door way, as Alex threw his stuff on the bed, and made his way around the suit, grabbing a pen from the desk, and scribbling down a number, before punching it into his phone. He then had a yelling feast into the phone, before shutting it off, and taking a seat on the sun bed, that sat by the huge window. I shuffled deeper into the room, placing my stuff on a bed in another room, walking back into the room he was in. He placed two cups down, and poured a cold jug of water into them. I smile, takin a sip, the water felt nice.

"I am really sorry." He said, his eyes falling onto mine. I sat down, staring passed him at the view. "What the fuck just happened?" He let out a chuckle, amused smile sat on his lips, as he placed down the cup.
"Jacob, does he know you?" So this was about me?
Shit just got real

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