Prom invites.

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We stood in the shower for almost 20, staring at each other for awhile. I was upset, but the shower water kept my tears hidden. I was upset that this was how it was, I knew he had a reputation to hold up, as the cutie of the school, and he had lots of girls to make out with, in font of me, and it was going to hurt. And I think it hurt more that he knew, and he wanted it, but he couldn't.

I left in an angry huff, crying off, and taking a seat in the back of the car. The car ride back was silent, making it even more uncomfortable. As soon anny dropped us, we both when into our rooms, Jacob slamming his door. I fell on my bed, and curled up into a ball. I was upset, I had no right to be. And to top it off, I kissed him back. Why, foxin? Why? What did you think it would do? Make him throw his life away, to be with a pathetic boy?

Forget it foxin, forget it.


The week was quickly passing, and soon news arrived that there was a prom, at the end of the month, and that we needed to find a partner, to take with us. The first person that came to mind was Jacob, But that was a no, no. I decided I would ask anny later on, I knew Jacob wasn't taking her, because he had made that clear. So I needed to get in, before the gab was closed. Later on that day I walked around to Annys house, it's blinds shut, and the chimes twinkling softly, in the wind. She was still asleep. I banged the door softly, and I could hear rustling from inside, soon a sleepy looking Anny came to the door. Her bed head, still on her face, while she wiped drool off her cheek.
"What do you want foxin?" She said, leaning against the door frame, while letting me in. Once I got in, she closed the door behind her. The smell of flowers was in the air, and there wasn't a thing out of place, apart from a coffee cup on the bench. She poured me a cup, and we sat there in silence for a moment.

"So...what did happen at the showers..?" my heart stunk, me going to her place, meant there was a change of her bringing that up.
"We kissed." And then she woke up. She pulled her chair closer, giving me a "go-on" look. I sighed, sipping on my coffee.
"And then I kissed him back, and then I realised that he wouldn't like me like that, and he knew everything, and now I wanted to ask him to prom, but I can't, so I came over to ask you." I took a breath, letting it out, then hiding my face with the cup.
"Ask me to prom, or get me to ask him to prom for you?" The second one sounds better.
"Ask you out... to prom, that is..." then it hit me, so probably had a boyfriend, or someone already. Crap.
"Sure! Just make sure to get a champagne coloured tie, or suit, I already have a dressed picked out." I looked at her shocked, and she just sent me a simple smile.
"You mean...?" She nodded, getting up and washing out her now empty cup.

"Yeah, I didn't think my brother wanted to take me, so I guess I can do a sister a favour!" I laughed, finishing my coffee.
"But let's promise one thing? Let's make Jacob jealous, that he didn't take your sweet ass to prom."
And thats when I realised, maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

Let's not talk about what happened there.

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