horny little girl.

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I wanted to throw up. My mind finally realised what they had been doing, before I turned up. That explains the threesome thing. I thought she was just joking around. Turns out she wasn't.

The room that had been clean, and homely, now had What i aspect was Jacobs clothes thrown on the ground, the bed sheets also on the floor, and wet patches over the bed. I let out a cry, dropping my bag on the ground, and ripping off the sheets. I huffed, picking them up, and stomping into Jacobs room, and throwing them in, along with this clothes.
I heard him laugh, I looked up, to find him on the bed, his bed head that had just happened sat sexily on his head, giving him a sexy rustic look. I can see why she had fucked him.

I gulped, quickly removing my eyes from his body, to looking around his room. He had a clean room, a few books, along with this laptop on the ground, I looked over at him again, his eye son his phone, now completely ignoring me. I loudly sighed, and kicked his cloths further into his room, before shutting the door.

So far this had sucked. They had fucked in my bed, and my room smelt like sex, and he seemed to be a total asshole. I total hot assshole. I pulled on coat, and grabbed my key, making sure to keep it with me this time.
I closed the door, lightly, looking down at my watch. 9:27.. crap, I made my way towards the front office, to woman sat behind it.
"Yes mister foxin?"
"My dorm room buddy decided it was best to sleep in my bed with his girlfriend, so...my whole rooms retuned." I sighed, the lady behind the desk nodded, as if it was something that happened a lot.
"We will send someone down to return your room to its normal state, here is a room you can have in the mean time." She passed me a key, and I nodded, sighing.

"Great.." I pulled out my map, and slowly made my back to my room to collect my stuff, and moving into my new room.


I pulled on my school uniform, I hadn't heard anything from the front desk, so maybe they were going to do it in school hours, I shoved my books and tablet into my bag, and left the dorm room. I clicked my door shut, only for my head to be smacked against it. And a body to be pushed up against mine.
"Stupid little boy, because of you, I have 3 months detention.." I looked at the boy before me.
"Good, that w-was my room.,." I stuttered, wishing that my voice didn't sound so weak.
"Do you really think I would ruin my room, because some girls horny?" I nodded, knowing it was the wrong move. Suddenly his face was inches from mine, my eyes tried to look away, but they drifted down to his lips. Before I could pull myself together, he had noticed. He smirked, putting his lips on the corner of my jaw, giving  it a slight peck, my body shivered without my consent, and I wanted to punch myself. I bet he had a stupid little smug look on his perfect face. Because he knew I was cornered.

And I did too.



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