Abusive Relationship | P.P.

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Request by: @DjLexie
Request: "An Imagine where the reader is an a abusive relationship and one day she got beat up pretty badly and Peter finds out?"


Last night was a rough night. I went over to my boyfriends house and he was mad. So he took it out on me. It hurts a lot but I don't know how to tell him I want to break up with him because he would just hurt me until I said I would stay. I got really good at covering up the bruises and marks on my body for school.

I woke up hurting like crazy, but I couldn't tell anyone about it. I just got ready for school and left in a hurry.

When I got to school I saw my best friend. Peter Parker. I walked up to him and smiled.

"Hey Peter!"

"Hey (y/n)!" He said as he grabbed my for a hug.

I winced in pain and he saw that.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" He asked with a pout.

"Yeah just a couple of bruises." I smiled feeling like crying because it hurt so much.

"From where?" He asked softly.

"I honestly don't know. I told you I bruise like banana." I laughed as tears swelled in my eyes.

I looked away and saw my boyfriend, Flash and scooted next to Peter because I was scared.

"Hey (y/n) are you sure you're okay?" Peter asked as he touched my shoulder. Which hurt...a lot.

"Ow!" I screamed shooting a look at Peter and he put his hands up.

"I-I'm sorry!"

I was crying now.

"It's f-fine." I stuttered and ran to the girls bathroom.

I sat in a stall and cried in my hands. I hate this! I hate lying to Peter.

I walked up to the mirror and took my shirt off. Showing every single one of my bruises. There were tons of them all over my skin. Some small and some really big.

I heard someone opened the door and I turned to see  who it was.

"(Y/n) I-" he looked at my bruised body.

I put my shirt on as fast as possibly could and looked at him.

"It's nothing Peter! I'm fine!" I yelled.

"No it's not!" He yelled loudly which was the first time I ever heard sweet, little, Peter Parker yell which stunned me. "Who is doing this to you!?"


"Tell me...NOW!" He yelled. I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"F-flash...don't do anything stupid! Please he could hurt you!"

"Believe me I won't be the one who's getting hurt." He said under his breath.

Peter's POV

I ran out of the girls bathroom and put on my suit in the boys bathroom. Flash was outside and I walked up to him and yelled.

"Hey Flash!" I waved.

Flash walked up to me "hey Spiderman!"

I webbed and grabbed him as I put him on the top of the building.

"What the heck!?" He yelled.

"You are hurting my friend!"


I punched him in the face just to scare him a little.

"Ow!" He screamed.

"You are hurting my friend!"

"Who?" He said wiping the blood from his nose.

"Her name is (y/n) (l/n) you girlfriend. Now here is what you are going to do. You are going to stay away from her. Don't you dare lay a finger on her again or I'll be back and next time it will be more then just a bloody nose."

"Y-yes Spider-man." He said as I set him back down on the ground

He ran into the building and broke up with (y/n).

I walked back into the school as Peter Parker and I saw (y/n) smiling as she ran to me.

"Flash just broke up with me!" She yelled

"That's a good thing right?" I smiled.

"Yes! Did you do this?"

"No but let's just say a guy named Spider-man owed me a favor." He smiled.

"Peter you are such an amazing guy. I can't believe a girl hasn't snatched you up yet." She smiled

"That's because the girl I wanted was dating someone."

"Really who?"

I walked up to her and kissed her softly because I knew her body was fragile right now.


"Me?" She said with a small smile.

"Yeah you."

She kissed me and smiled "well guess who not dating a horrible guy anymore and could use a amazing, sweet, funny, dorky boyfriend?"

"You?" I laughed

"Yeah me."

I smiled and kissed her again.


I didn't know how to end it but I hope you liked it!

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