And a Suit For You | T.H.

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Request by: @izzy_invisible
Request: "One where the reader is a genius and makes a Spiderman suit for Tom Holland and a green goblin suit for Harrison OsterField?"


"(Y/n)!" I heard from across the hall of my apartment. "(Y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n)!"

"What Tom?" I said my eyes glued to my computer screen that was on my desk in my room.

"Oh there you are." Tom said out of breath.

"Here I am." I said still not looking at him.

He walked up to my chair and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"What do you want?" I said agitated. "I'm working this better be important."

"Well and Haz were thinking since you are like a mega genius that maybe you could make us cool suits?"

I stopped typing on my computer and turned around to face him.

"Suits?" I said not understanding

"Well As Spider-man in the movies I'm not allowed to keep the suit so I was thinking-"

"You want your own Spiderman suit don't you?"

"And Haz wants a green goblin suit." He said fast afraid of my answer.

"What an odd request for Harrison. I thought he would want a BatMan suit or something." I said clicking a pen in my hand.

Tom sighed "well uh I want to fight him as Spiderman and I want him to be an actual villain of Spiderman okay!?" He said as crossed his arms.

"Aw you're so cute when you embarrassed. Come here." I said waving my hand for him to come to me.

I stood up and he walked over to me as I laced my hands around his neck and he grabbed my waist.

"I'll make you a suit okay? You happy now?"

He smiled and kissed my lips "thank you, love."

"No problem now get out of my room so I can make them."

"Okay!" He smiled and ran out of my room but stopped at my doorway "you're the best!" He said and then ran away.

I worked on the suits all day and all night for two weeks. Tom's suit had fully working web shooters and I made web fluid for them as well and for Harrison he had working pumpkin smoke bombs and I was still trying to figure out how to make a working hover board.

I never let Tom or Harrison in my room until the suits were done.

I was working on Harrison's hover board when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled lying on the floor trying to screw  in a screw for Green goblins hover board.

"It's the love of your life!" Tom yelled

"Oh dang it I was hoping it was my pizza." I smirked as I sat up and walked to the door and opened it "what do you want 'the love of my life'?"

"I wanted to see how the suits were coming along?" He said smiling like a little boy.

"Yours is done, but Harrison's is a little tricky...come in."

"Wait you're letting me In?" He said shocked

"Yeah I want to see if your suit fits you."

I picked up his suit off of a table and handed it to him.

"Woah." He said in awe "I'm not going to lie this looks better then the one I wear in the movie." He said now taking off his clothes to put it on.

"I tried." I said getting back on the floor to fix Harrison's hover board. 

Tom was in his suit when he jumped on the floor by me.

I slowly turned to him "yes?"

"This suit is awesome! I love it!" He said pulling his mask up just enough to see his lips.

"I'm glad." I said smiling.

"I shall now give you something in return." He said acting like a prince.

"And what's that?" I said already knowing what it was.

He leaned in and kissed me and I kissed him back.

"You know kissing you with the suit on is better then kissing you without the cool suit on."

He took the mask off and sat up and so did I

"Uh hurtful!" He said touching his chest.

"Just think if you wear the suit all the time then you might actually get more kisses then usual."

He smiled "guess who's wearing this all the time?" He laughed

"Woah!" I heard Harrison yell from my doorway.

"Tom!" I smacked his arm

"Ow!" He cried in pain as he held his hurt arm.

"You left the frickin door open!"

"Who is that for?" Harrison said still in awe of the green goblin suit.

I shot a look at Tom "did you not tell him?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Tom chuckled

I sighed and got up to grab Harrison's suit

"I made a suit for him and a suit for you."

I gave him his suit and he smiled

"Thank you so much (y/n )!" Harrison smiled and ran away to put it on.

Tom jumped up when Harrison's got back with his suit on

"Let's battle my friend!" Tom said shooting a web at Harrison.

"Oh it's on!" Harrison yelled as he threw a smoke bomb at him and he bolted out of my room.

"You won't get away with this green goblin!" Tom yelled sprinting out of my room.

I put my hand on my forehead.

"Oh God I'm in love with a five year old."

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