Spider-Woman | P.P.

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Request by: @sadia2028
Request: Can you do one where the reader a spider woman and Peter is just a normal kid and Peter looks up to her and the reader and Peter are dating and he doesn't know that the reader is a superhero but notices how often she bails on dates and one day notice is an injury after an incident takes place the previous day and finds out about it


"Honestly (y/n) I'm not surprised." Ned said to me as we walked down the halls of our school.

I raised an eye brow "are you-are you serious!?"

"Um yeah. You seem like the obvious choice for Spider-Woman."

"You can't tell peter." I said as I stood in front of Ned

"Tell me what?" Peter asked.

I turned around "Peter! You got me!" I looked at Ned for an idea but he shrugged his shoulders "um okay well. I was planning a big surprise date for us but, now you know!...darn." I said as I snapped my fingers feeling very awkward

"Oh you are planning a date for us? Isn't usually the other way around?" He questioned.

I sighed "yeah but I just feel bad for...bailing on our dates because I'm busy."

"Well if you want to plan a date then plan ahead." He kissed my cheek "well I have to get to class I'll see you later." He smiled and walked away.

I smiled until he was out of earshot and I frantically turned to Ned "what am I going to do!?"

"(Y/n) it's simple just reserve a table at my uncles restaurant. He loves you. He'll get you in."

I hugged Ned "thanks Ned you're the best!"

He laughed "I know."

Me and peter got to the restaurant and were having a great time when my phone buzzed.

"Sorry I have to take this." I said to him.

"Go ahead." He smiled

I got up and it was a police report. I had to leave but I wanted this date to be the best date ever maybe I can swing by and help out and be back in time for dessert.

I ran to the bathroom and changed into my Spider-Woman suit, Courtesy of Mr. Stark, and swung out the window.

Something that I thought was going to take a few minutes ended up taking a few hours.

"Ha ha sucker! You can't beat me!" I yelled to the ugly villain.

"Oh yeah?" He said as he took his weird looking gun out.

"Oh god." I said but it was too late he shot me.

I fell to the ground and blood poured from my suit. Suddenly Ironman came in to save the day and I ran to My house knowing no one was home because my parents were on a date as well.

I shot to my bathroom window and rummaged to find the things I needed for my wound.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) is that you?"

It was peter. He must have come looking for me.

"Uh peter! Don't come in here." I groaned in pain

"Are you okay!?" He yelled

"Yeah...ow! I'm Uh...I'm fine." I groaned again.

He kicked the locked door of the bathroom down and saw me in my suit without my mask, blood pouring from my side.

"Oh my gosh. (Y/n) you're-you're-"

"Spider-Woman I know. Ow..." I said trying to apply pressure on the wound.

"I was gonna say bleeding, but yeah that one too."

"Please just help me." I said looking at him.

"Oh right sorry."

We fixed the wound and We laid on the bathroom floor our hands covered in blood, our eyes drooping from how tired we were.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he looked over to me.

"Because I didn't know how you would react...I got...scared. I guess."


"I was afraid you would see me differently. See us differently."

He laughed "Why because you're a superhero? Because you're probably stronger than me?"

I looked over at him and raised an eye brow at him.

"Okay okay...stronger than me." He said with a sigh

"See that's the problem! I don't want you to think you aren't the man in the relationship because I am stronger than you. I want you to be able to protect me and not the other way around...it just didn't happen that way."

"You don't have to worry." He grabbed my hand "I'm still here and I always will be."

"I'm glad peter. I'm really really glad." I said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it

It was silent for a moment until he laughed

"it would be pretty cool if I was the one that was the superhero."

I looked at him weirdly "Spider-Man. Yeah no doesn't have a good ring to it."

We both laughed

"Yeah you're right. That would be pretty stupid."

I was gonna do a face reveal, but I probably won't.
Also have my imagines just gotten crappier and crappier? I feel like they have...ugh.

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