Infinity War | P.P.

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Request by: @Myratic
Request: the reader is like gamora's sister and a Guardian. She meets Peter during Infinity War and keep in touch after EndGame...


"Quill over here!" I whispered to him and waved him over.

"What?" He asked as he snuck over to me.

"They might know where Gamora is." I smiled as I pointed to three guys in our view.

Quill's face changed from solemn to rage in two seconds. He whispered to Mantis as he pointed to one of the guys "attack on three."

"Wait, maybe we need to think about this first." I said holding my hand up

"I'll think when Gamora is back with us. Isn't that what you want? I mean...She's your sister."

I sighed "I know, but-"

"I'm the leader and you're a kid now stop and let me lead." He looked at Mantis and held up the number three and counted down.

"Let me just say if aliens wind up implanting any eggs in my chest or something and I end up eating you, I'm sorry." the boy swinging from the ceiling said.

The man in the black shirt looked at him.

"I don't wanna hear another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?" He said as he pointed at the boy.

"I'm trying to say that... something is coming."

Suddenly Quill threw a grenade and the three guys fell back when the energy pulse threw them to the ground.

Quill, Mantis and Drax ran up to them ready to fight.

"THANOS!" Drax yelled as he threw blades as the man in the red cape.

I sat behind the pole in complete embarrassment of what I was seeing.

"AH! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! PLEASE DON'T PUT YOUR EGGS IN ME!" The boy dressed as the spider cried as he walked backwards trying to get away from Mantis.

He shot something out of his wrists to deflect Mantis trying to pin her arms to her body but Quill ran over to him and kicked him to the ground.

"Stay down clown!" Quill yelled at him.

"Oh my god." I said to myself.

The Spider...guy(?) tried to get away but it was no use electric cords wrapped around his legs which caused him to roll onto the floor.

"Die blanket of death!" Drax yelled as he was levitated in the air by a cape.

Quill ran to the spider boy and put him in a head lock.

"Alright, everybody, stay where you are... Chill the F out." Quill yelled as he took his helmet off "I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where's Gamora?"

"Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?" the man who was wearing a black shirt, but now was wearing metal armor asked.

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