Confess | P.P.

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Request by: @SamtheGamer15
Request: (The reader's powers are teleportation and telekinesis)
The reader is the daughter of Tony stark. She studies in the same school as Peter and become great friends. One day, she has to leave to london( she got accepted for college) and she didnt tell peter. As she was about to enter the jet, peter came and stopped her, telling her about his feelings


"Dad I'm ready, really." I said as I grabbed my backpack for my first ever day of school.

"Are you sure? We can always wait till next year." Tony Stark, my dad, said

"Dad next year I will be going to college." I said gripping my backpack on my shoulder

I've always been homeschooled. Not because I wanted to but because I had to. You see I have superpowers that when I didn't know how to control went, well out of control.

So we just stayed home and  I had tutors that homeschooled me and when I wanted to do something fun for history I would ask Steve and Bucky about life in the 40's and for science I would ask my dad and Bruce about stuff in the lab and English, well Natasha taught me a lot of new languages. So it was pretty cool, but I wanted to be normal and go to a highschool.

My dad found this awesome school for smart kids like me and today is my first day and he's a little hesitant about it.

"What if your powers get out of control?" He asked

"Dad I learned how to control them."

"Yeah but what if you accidentally teleport out of class or you move something with your mind on accident?"

"Dad I'll be fine."

He just sighed and I kissed his cheek.

"Bye!" I said as I walked out the door.

When I walked into school I felt a little nervous. I grabbed my backpack tightly as I walked to my locker. Two boys were right next to me.

"Join me as we build my new Lego Death Star." One of tee boys said as he put a lego figurine on the others shoulder.

"No way that's awesome." The guy with brown hair and fair skin whispered.

I shut my locker and looked at them.

"Is that Lego Death Star the limited edition one that just came out?" I said probably sounding like a total geek, but I can't help it, I mean...Star War!

They both looked at me and smiled "yeah it is! How did you know?" The darker one asked

"I've been dying to get that one but I just hadn't had the time to...I'm (y/n)." I smiled

"I'm Ned and this is Peter."

"Nice to meet you both."

Especially Peter, dang he was cute!

"Do you uh want to build it with us?" Peter asked

"I thought you would never ask!" I chuckled

"Awesome! We can walk to my house after school." Peter said

"Cool see you then." And with that I walked away.

Peter was so sweet and SO cute and now I'm going over to his house to build a Death Star. I'm making friends and I'm so happy!!

School was over and I met Peter and Ned at the sidewalk.

"Hey Ned! Hey Peter!"

Turns out me and Peter had all the same classes and we were able to eat lunch together. It's almost like someone set it up for us. (I wonder who? *smirks*) It was pretty cool.

"Hey (y/n)! You ready?" Peter asked


We walked to his house and the whole time we talked about school, Spider-Man, and Star Wars.

We got to his house and we were all on the floor building the Death Star as Star Wars was playing in the background.

"If you could have any super power what would it be?" Ned asked me.

I put a brick on the structure "easy Teleportation or Telekinesis!"

"Wow most people take their time when thinking about super powers." Peter said as he put a brick on the Death Star.

I shrugged my shoulders "well I mean I've had them since I was six so it's pretty easy to think-"

They stopped building and looked at me.


"What do you mean you had them?" Ned asked

"Uh I didn't say that."

"You have superpowers!?" Peter yelled

I covered Peter's mouth

"Okay yes I do now be quiet I don't want your aunt or anybody else hearing."

Ned crossed his arms "prove it."

I shrugged my shoulders and moved the Death Star up and down with my mind then I teleported it into my hands.

"Woah." They both said in awe

"You can't tell anyone!" I said

"Peter's Spider-Man!" Ned yelled

"Ned!" Peter yelled as he hit him in the arm.

"You're Spiderman!?"

"Yes?" Peter said scratching his neck.

"Great now I'm the only one without powers!" Ned said and we all laughed.

After that we were inseparable, Ned, Peter and I hung out all the time. In summer I would teleport us to cool places around the world and we just hang out there for the rest of the day. It was a blast, but every time I saw Peter my feelings would grow stronger which made me sad because I knew he didn't feel the same. Today was the last day of summer and it was time for me to go to college. I got accepted to an amazing university in London and today was my last day with Ned and Peter

"We really are going to miss you." Ned said

"I know I'm going to miss you guys so much." I said almost crying

We all hugged and then Ned walked away almost like someone told him to.

"(Y/n) before you leave I just wanna say this year with you has been the best year of my life and that was all because of you...I uh I love you."

My heart was beating like crazy.

"You love me?"

"Yeah I do."

I started to cry as I hugged him tightly "I love you too Peter." 

He cupped my face and smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. He slowly kissed me and I felt like I was flying.

We broke apart "I wish I didn't have to go." I said still feeling the kiss on my lips.

"We'll see each other again." He smiled

I smiled back at him and walked onto the jet to go to London.

Two years later

Peter and I talked all the time and today was the day I was coming back from school to surprise him. Little did he know I was staying.

I walked up to his apartment and knocked on the door.

"(Y/n)?" Peter said in shock.

I waved my hands "surprise!"

He hugged me and kissed me passionately.

"I missed you." He smiled

"I missed you too."

Woah that was long! But I got into it, omg! 😂❤️

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