Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Johanna! Cosmo! Roy! Time to go!" Kate yelled up the stairs.

"Coming mom!" Cosmo answered immediately and Kate could hear him gather both his and his brother's stuffs.
She smiled and put on her jacket. Rick came out from their bedroom and went to the table in the kitchen to get his phone. When he got it their two boys had gotten downstairs and ran to their mom. Kate helped Roy get on his jacket and searched the room after Johanna.

"Rick? Can you go see what's taking Johanna so long?" Kate asked and Rick could hear a small worry in her voice.

He nodded and went upstairs. He knocked on Johanna's door and opened it.

Johanna looked up and saw her dad come into her room. She smiled at him and got up on her feet, she took her bag and went to him.

"You know your mom gets worried when you take too much time" Rick said and she hugged him.

"Couldn't help it, I needed to find my... eh, pen!" Johanna said and smiled an innocent smile.

Rick smiled back, he knew she had something else in her bag but they didn't have time for questioning. They went down the stairs and met up with the others in the hall. They got out in the car and drove towards the school. Cosmo went in the 9th grade, Johanna in the 8th and Roy in the 3rd.

"So, any interesting case today?" Johanna innocently asked her parents.

"Not that we know of" Kate said and at that exact moment her phone rang.

Rick took her phone from her pocket while she continued driving and put on speaker.

"For Castle, press one, for Beckett, press two, for one of the kids, press three plus say their magic word" Rick joked and they all laughed lightly.

"How about no?" Javi said and they started laughing a little louder.

"What do you got for us?" Kate said and was serious again.

"There's been a murder downtown" Javi said and told them an address.

What Kate and Rick didn't know was that in the back seat, in the middle of her two brothers, Johanna wrote down the address in her little notebook she had bought some days ago. Now she knew what to do today. She heard her big brother sigh but when she looked at him he looked out the window. He was the only one who knew what she was doing, but he had promised not to tell anyone, mostly cause Johanna had threaten to tell their parents about the videogames he weren't supposed to play, but did anyway. She quickly hid the notebook in her bag and when Rick hung up they had gotten to their school.

"Bye!" Roy said while quick jumping out of the car.

A funny fact about Johanna's younger brother was that he liked school, but then doesn't all when they're young? Johanna climbed out the car with a smile on her face.

"Bye, see ya later" Cosmo said and closed the door.

"Bye kids, have a good day!" Kate said and Rick said bye as well.

"Bye mom and dad" Johanna said before shutting the door and turned away with a big smile.

She knew exactly how to skip school without the principal calling her parents. She started walking towards the school doors and looked around for her brothers. Cosmo was by the bus stop since the bus hadn't come yet and his best friend was on that bus. Roy had already gone into the building for the younger kids and was probably running around like a lunatic. Johanna went through the doors and walked towards the principle's office. Before she knocked she searched in her bag for her excuse paper. She quickly found it and knocked on the door with determined knocks.

"Come in!" she heard the familiar voice say.

She opened the door and stepped inside while closing it behind her. She cleared her throat and went up to the table were the principle sat.

"Well? What do you need now little miss Castle?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm really sorry but I can't be in classes today, I have a paper from my dad which gives his permission" Johanna said and gave the paper to the principle.

The principle slowly read the paper and his eyes were narrowed, not that he couldn't read but because it had happened before and he started to wonder why Johanna was off so often. But since there were a signature and it did look like mr. Castle's he couldn't do anything but let her go.

"Okay, then off you go!" he sighed and she tried not to smile.

She turned around. Brilliant, she was brilliant.

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