Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Johanna's POV

Johanna slowly woke up to the smell of pancakes and when she felt the bed under her she tried to remember how she got there. The last thing she remembered was being in the car on her way home. She figured her dad must have carried her, or maybe they had waken her and she just didn't remember. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see that the sun was up.

'Wait, the sun is up? Oh my god! I'm late!' Johanna thought and jumped out of bed to get dressed.

She wore the same clothes as she had the day before so she figured her dad had carried her up in bed, She quickly changed into something else and ran down the stairs.

"Wow, take it easy! You're not going to school today" her mom said when she caught her in her arms in the middle of the stairs.

Johanna backed up a step and looked down at her mom.

"Wait, what? So I'm coming with you to your work?" Johanna asked getting really excited.

"Yeah, but same as yesterday, you're not going anywhere near any of those people, ok?" her mom said and Johanna nodded.

"Thanks mom!" she said and kissed her mom's cheek.

Her mom took her in her arms again and Johanna could feel her mom smell her hair. She knew it was because of the whole situation with her being kidnapped but she still couldn't think of it as other than weird. It wasn't like it was something she did every time they hugged. They let go of each other and her mom stepped aside.

"I'm gonna go wake your brothers, there's pancakes downstairs" she said and Johanna smiled stepping past her mom.

She walked to the open kitchen and saw her dad put another pancake on top of a big mountain before he put the pan down and made another one.

"Hey dad" Johanna said as she sat down on one of the bar chairs.

"Hey sweetie, how's your sleep?" he asked and she saw him glancing up at her before returning to the pancake in the pan.

"It was good, did you carry me up yesterday?" she asked with a smile.

For some reason she felt happy, not too happy but she didn't felt sad either. One of her best friend's dad was gone and yesterday the two of them had been kidnapped but today she felt good. It was weird how much could happen in so short time. It was just yesterday she was caught sneaking around the crime scene, or was it two days ago? No, it was yesterday but it all felt like an eternity. An eternity of bad news and today she was happy she was alive, and she was home, with the family who she loved and who loved her back just as much. She did miss Alexis though. It would have been fun to live with her too. But she knew that wouldn't happen, Alexis was an adult and she could live wherever she wanted.

"In a matter of fact I did" her dad's answer snapped her back to the now.

She smiled again and she heard running feet from upstairs.

"Paaaancaaaaaaaakes!!" Roy shouted as he run down the stairs.

Johanna started laughing at her brother and soon her older brother was in the stairs too.

"You two are such pancake-monsters" she laughed and her mom appeared in the stairs.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to run in the stairs?" she asked but she couldn't keep her mask for very long.

Johanna took one pancake from the stack and reached for the syrup. Her brother had already stuffed their pancakes in their faces and when they looked up Johanna couldn't help but burst out in more laughter. So did their parents. Both of them had syrup at the exact same places, they could have been twins.

"What?" they both asked at the same time which made Johanna and her parents laugh more.

Her mom went over to her dad and kissed his cheek.

"Ewww" Roy said and Johanna slapped his arm lightly.

His 'eww' turned into an 'ouch' and their parents shook their heads while smiling.

After they had eaten their pancakes someone knocked on the door and Johanna turned her head towards the door at the right time to see her gram walk through the door.

"Hey, kiddos" she said and all three siblings jumped off the chairs and ran towards her.

"Grams!" they all shouted as they ran into her arms.

"Hey, how ya doin'?" she asked and hugged them.

"Good, considering" Johanna answered for all of them.

They pulled away and Johanna turned to her parents, her dad had his arm around her mom's waist.

"Shouldn't we go? You were going to interrogate that Charles Stinson guy" she asked and their eyes widened. "What?"

"Eh, yeah, we should get going. Cosmo, Roy, grams gonna take care of ya today, don't do anything stupid" her dad said and the three of them, her dad, her mom and Johanna, went to get their jackets. "Including you mother" her dad eventually said and they all started to chuckle.

"Richard, don't you think I can be the grown-up once in a while?" grams asked rethorical.

"Nope" her dad said before they went out the door.

Her mom hit him on his arm and even though they didn't think it she saw when her dad smacked her mom's butt. Johanna rolled her eyes and walked with her parents to the car.


Thought you deserved another chapter since I've been so bad at updating<3 love y'all!! Plz comment what you think<3

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