Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Johanna POV

Johanna woke up from a big pain in the back of her head and when she tried to move her hand to make sure it wasn't bleeding she couldn't move it. She opened her eyes and looked at her right. Her right hand was handcuffed to someone beside her. She looked at her left and noticed that at least her left hand was free. She quickly brushed her hand through her hair trying to decide if she was bleeding or not. To her relief she wasn't.

"Johanna?" a raspy voice said and she looked to her right again.

Gale tried to sit up but she could see he was dizzy, he had probably been drugged.

"Gale? Are you ok?" Johanna asked and sat up with him.

"Why did you cuff us?" he asked confused.

"Why do you think I would do it?" Johanna asked surprised he would conclude that.

"It looks like it's yours, you know, those you always have in your backpack" he explained and she could both hear and see he was starting to wake up for real.

She took a look on the handcuffs and could see why he had thought it washer who made it.

"They are mine, but I promise it wasn't me" she said and started looking around. "Where are we?" she thought out loud.

"Somewhere where no one will look" a threatening voice said and Johanna looked behind them.

A man with a ski mask looked down at them. She could almost see his smile shine through the mask and she tried to fight a chill running up her back.

"Who are you?" Gale asked and his confusion was gone.

Maybe the drugs were out of his system now or at least most of it.

"Me? I'm the one who wants my money back, and you two are going to help me" he said with an innocent tone.

Like he had done something that wasn't illegal at all.

"What makes you think that we will help you?" Gale questioned.

"Oh, you already are. You see, by being here your parents are going to worry about you and soon they will do anything to get you back" the man said with a dark voice.

Gale looked at Johanna and he smiled. She shook her head with big eyes but it was already too late.

"I don't think you will be so glad to hear her parents are cops, they will find you before you do anything else" he said and Johanna mentally gave him a slap in the face.

"Reeeaaalllyyy?" the man asked and he came closer to them.

Johanna shuddered to the voice. She looked at Gale and could see he regretted telling the man. A door in another room closed and the man his head towards the sound.

"You two stay here" he said and left the room, locking the door after walking out.

Johanna quickly looked around in the room.

"Ok, let's try stand up" she whispered and they got up from the floor.

She took his hand and when she saw his surprised face she blushed a little.

"Just so we won't get hurt by the cuffs" she explained in a whisper.

She dragged him to a window and looked outside. They were on the fourth floor, which made it too high to jump out.

"Are you willing to climb?" Johanna asked her friend when she noticed the small springs here and there on the house wall.

Gale looked at her shocked.

"You want us to climb? Cuffed to each other? You're crazy" he said but shrugged and smiled.

She rolled her eyes smiling and tried open the window as quietly as possible. It went better than she thought and then she took one step up on the window and with her left hand she reached one of the many springs in the wall and made sure the grip was good enough before doing the same with her left foot.

"Are you ready? I need to start now if we're gonna make it" Gale said and she nodded.

He followed her and when he was out the window he told her to wait. She stopped and looked at him to see what he was thinking. He was turned to the window hole and she could see him reach inside to close the window.

"Good idea" she said and he smiled looking at her.

They continued and when they had gotten some meters away from the window they came from she stopped and looked at Gale.

"Should we go up or down?" She asked him and he looked at both options.

"Do you think we can find enough springs to get down? Cause if we do, that is the best option" he said and she agreed.

They started climbing down together. They avoided climbing in front of windows just in case someone would see them and give them away or something. They were probably on the second floor and it was still too high to jump without getting hurt.

They heard something that sounded like an angry yelling and the second they looked up they saw the window open and a man's head stick out. He looked right at them with furious eyes and Johanna poked Gale for them to quickly continue climbing down.

"Don't you dare run away! I will get you!" the man yelled and disappeared from the window.

"Hurry!" Johanna tried to keep calm but she was scared.

They jumped the few meters left and they took each other's hand and started running. They used all their powers to keep the same rhythm but without slowing down.

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