Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Castle's POV

"But, why aren't you out looking for her?" Roy said and Castle immediately saw that the question tore Kate apart.

When he caught Kate's eyes he knew he had to take over so she wouldn't break down completely.

"We are going back searching for her the second we can, right now we need to make sure you two are ok" he said and he could see her look at him with grattitude.

The boys nodded, Castle suspected they had seen how their mother had reacted to and that's why they didn't talk more about it. Once they reached the car Castle made sure he was the one driving. He didn't want Kate to drive when she was so emotional. On their way home Kate's phone started to ring and when she looked at it she turned to Castle.

"It's Alexis, why doesn't she call you?" she asked before answering "Kate".

'Hmm, that's strange. Or not, ever since Alexis had met Kate she had looked up to her' Castle thought and smiled a little.

He knew Kate didn't quite know it but Alexis had almost seen her as a mother ever since they first met and it had only grown stronger for each time they stumbled upon each other. Castle had changed when he met Kate, and so had Alexis. She had never really had a mother figure, the closest had been his mother but she was her gram so it was kinda hard to see her as a mother. But as soon as that time when she saw Kate... something had changed her, and Castle had noticed.

"What?! Where are you?!" Kate exclaimed and it brought Castle back to the now.

He looked at his wife and saw the relief in her eyes. Maybe they had found a lead that could lead them to Johanna and Gale.

"We'll be right there" Kate said told him to drive to the precinct.

Castle turned the car around and stepped on the gas.

"Is Johanna ok?" he asked his wife filled with relief.

"As far as I know she is" Kate said and when he glanced at her he could see the happy tears she had in her eyes.

"Who found her?" Castle asked making the last right turn before the precinct parking.

"Actually it was Alexis" Kate said with a surprised voice.

Castle wrinkled his forehead but decided to ask Alexis later since Kate couldn't possibly know she had been out looking for her sister. Castle got a lump in his throat. They hadn't even told Alexis Johanna had been gone. He felt guilty for not telling her.

"So Johanna is in the precinct?" Cosmo asked from the backseat and when Kate nodded he let out a big sigh and Castle could see in the mirror the big relief in his eyes.

"Hey, it was never your fault. It was her choice to go out looking for Gale. And your not the only one being unable to hear her sneak out" the last Castle only mumbled. "How did she get so good at sneaking?" he exclaimed.

"I have no idea" Kate said with a small frustration in her voice.

"I didn't teach her. I don't even sneak very well for that matter" Cosmo said and Roy agreed.

"He can't sneak at all" Roy said and Castle chuckled while shaking his head then something got to his mind.

'What if...?' he thought.

"Castle, I know that look, what's on your mind?" Kate asked and when he met her eyes he just smiled and shook his head.

"I think I know who taught her, plus she's a natural talent" Kate looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"She got her natural talent from you, cause you are a hell of a sneaker... oh my god, sorry kids" Castle said when he realized he had sworn in front of his kids.

"I'm not" Kate defended herself.

"Oh, yes you are" Castle said and Cosmo cleared his throat to make sure his parents knew they were still in the car. "Anyway, I think Alexis taught her" he finally said.

He could feel the surprised look Kate was giving him. He drove into the parking and greeted the guard with a hand gesture.

"She's the best sneaker I know, you know when she was little and I used to play laser tag with her all the time? That's how she learned how to sneak because she needed to surprise me. And I guess she thought Johanna could use the same skills in case we were going out playing laser tag all together. She wanted to help her little sister to do great" Castle explained and he killed the car engine.

"You might be right. Now let's go, I need to see Johanna with my own eyes" Kate said and they all jumped out of the car.

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