Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Kate's POV

Kate was glad she finally got her confession, she went out of the room and started thinking about the knocking. If the person who knocked hadn't done that she probably would have jumped at the guy and pushed him into the wall, just like she had lost it that time when they interrogated Vulcan Simmons. She was too involved with this case, but she couldn't leave it and to her relief Gates actually understood that. It was different, and her daughter was safe now so it would not be any problem. At least that was what she kept telling herself. It was pretty close in there though, what if there hadn't been a knock? She would have lost it, that much she could feel. 

She shook her head and both her and Castle went into the observation room where her partners and her daughter waited for them. She did need to know who, thoguh.

"Who was it that knocked?" she asked and looked at Esposito and Ryan.

She really thought it was someone of them because she figured they would be the only one who actually would knock.

"Not us" they said at the same time and they raised their hands in defend. 

As she heard her daughter chuckle she looked at her. She had raised her hand, just like they do in school.

"It was me, I know you mom, you were about to punch the guy" she defended her knock and Kate was surprised her daughter knew her so well. 

Kate could feel the gaze coming from her left. She looked at Castle and caught his eyes. She quickly looked down and hoped he wouldn't bring it up more than Johanna had already done. Just you can't get the way you want all the time, can you?

"You were?" Castle asked and Kate looked up into his eyes again. 

"Yeah, uhm" Kate looked at the others in the room and stepped on her toes to whisper in his ear. "Let's talk about that alone, at home".

He nodded and she turned to the others. Johanna had a questioning facial expression but Kate tried to ignore that.

"So, now all we have to do is find Charles and then we can interrogate them some more and find out who's behind all of this" Kate said and they all nodded.

"We got that covered, you should get home" Esposito said and Ryan nodded. 

"You sure? We can stay until we've found Charles" Kate said but they both shook their heads.

"The only way to get her home and to bed is if you two go with her, now go" Ryan said and Kate nodded.

"Right here, folks" Johanna said hurt.

The two detectives chuckled and messed with her hair. Johanna narrowed her eyes but walked to Kate. Kate smiled and shook her head. 

"Good night, text me if there's any news, ok?" Kate demanded and both detectives nodded in agreement. 

She took Johanna's hand and the three memebers of the Castle family left the precinct. 

When they got home Johanna had fallen asleep in the car. Kate looked at her daughter and smiled. 

"Do we really have to wake her?" Kate whispered in awe. 

"No, I'll carry her" Castle answered and kissed Kate on her lips before opening the door and unbuckling his daughter.

He slid his arms under her and picked her up. Kate just stood and took in the scene in front of her. She loved it when he took care of their children in the way he did. They went towards the elevator and Kate pushed the botton to the top floor.

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