Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Johanna's POV

Johanna was so glad to get rid of her brothers. Not that she didn't love them or anything like that, it's just... she wanted this to be her thing, and her thing alone. She didn't want them to feel the way she does when it comes to crime solving. Cause if they happened to do that, it meant they might try being cops when they grow up and she didn't want to have to work with them.

A ding came from the elevator a few minutes after her sibling possibly had gotten out of the elevator downstairs and when Johanna looked at it a man came out of it. He was handcuffed and a few cops led him away to the interrogation room.

"Let's go interrogate him" Johanna's father said and Johanna saw her take her mother's hand.

"Do I get to come with you?" Johanna asked carefully and her mother looked at her.

"No, you can look from the observation room, though. I won't let you near that creep" her mother said and Johanna nodded.

She could live with that. At least she wasn't shut down like she had almost expected. Even if her mother before had said she got to be there to help she didn't thought she would actually get to do anything.

Uncle Ryan and uncle Esposito exchanged a look with each other and then they turned to Johanna. They made a tilt with their heads to show her to follow them. They all went towards the interrogation room but then they split up. Her parents went into the interrogation room while Ryan and Esposito showed her into the observation room. They were going to stay in there with her, no matter what she thought about it.

"Ronny Weston, so you tried fleeing the country? How come? Did you do something you shouldn't?" Johanna heard her mother say through the speakers in the wall and saw her and her father come inside the room on the other side of the glass.

Her mother continued asking a few questions and Johanna had taken out her mini notebook from her pocket and a pen to write down some facts, she could feel the gaze of her uncles but tried to ignore them. She looked through the glass as her mom continued.

"How should I know? Maybe that girl who sold me scout cookies the other day got inside and dropped it" the man tried and Johanna snorted.

When her uncles looked at her she bit her lower lip before mumbling "even a rookie could smell the lie there". They raised their eyebrows and she turned back her attention to the interrogation rooom.

"Or maybe it's because it was you who kidnapped the girl, you and Charles Stinson" her father said and Johanna studied the man.

Johanna noticed that once her father mentioned Charles Stinson the man reacted. She didn't know if the detectives had noticed that too or if it was just her. Probably they did cause after all they were the trained detectives, not her.

"Just admit it Ronny, you took both the girl and the boy and held them as hostages and before that you killed the boy's father because he owed you money!" her mother said harsh and Johanna got the feeling she wasn't really herself.

Johanna knew her mother was about to do anything stupid, she could both feel it and see it. She looked at her father to see if he had noticed and if he was going to stop it. But he had his eyes narrowed at the man so there was no stopping her. Johanna quickly made her way to the glass and knocked on it. Just two quick knocks and her mother's head snapped to the glass before taking a deep breath and turning back to the man. She had been warned and she hadn't gotten mad for the knock, more relieved. At least that's what Johanna could make out of her body language. The man looked at the change of her mother's position and he stiffened. He probably hadn't seen it comeing until it was almsot too late.

"Fine, we did it" he said and his head fell.

"You did what?" her mother pushed.

"We kidnapped the boy and when the girl came sneaking around we took her too" the man confessed and Johanna felt a huge stone from her shoulders lift.

She hadn't even noticed the weight it had caused her not knowing who had kidnapped them but now that she knew it was gone.

"And what about killing the boy's father, Jacob Collins?" her mother pushed.

"That was not us! I promise" the man said.

"Ok, now tell me, where can we find Charles Stinson?" her mother said and Johanna wrote down the address the man said.

Her mother and father closed it in there and went out. of the interrogation room. Johanna was about to leave the observation room but her uncles stopped her. When she looked at them with confused expression her parents walked into the room. Johanna smiled. They had stopped her because her parents were coming to them. Not the other way around.

"Who was it that knocked?" her mother asked and looked at Esposito and Ryan.

"Not us" they both said at the same time and held up their hands in defend.

Johanna chuckled and raised her hand.

"It was me, I know you mom, you were about to punch the guy" Johanna said defending her knock.

Her mother looked at her and then she saw her father look at her mother. Johanna didn't know what to make out of that look.


So I'm being generous today since I've been so bad at updating, plus I got some chapters written today :) please tell me what you think!

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