Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Alexis' POV

 When they had gotten home to the loft Alexis had immediately made her brothers do their homework. At first they had been kinda mad but since she was the eldest they didn't argue. After they had done them she had let them choose a movie and she had made popcorn for them. They had end up watching Star Wars. Alexis loved that her brothers probably would end up as goofy as their father was. After only half an hour her youngest brother, Roy, had fallen asleep and after som wait to make sure he really was asleep, Alexis had carried him to his bed and then returned to Cosmo downstairs. 

"Am I supposed to go to bed now too?" he asked kinda harsh. 

"No, not yet, if you want to you can stay up until your mom and dad comes home" Alexis said and sat down in the couch again.

She took a handful of popcorn and ate one at a time.

"Why do you keep referring to her as 'your mom' and not just mom? I mean, they have been together for so long and you still keep calling her by her name" Cosmo asked and Alexis choked on the popcorn she had in her mouth. 

She looked at her brother and thought about it.

"Uhm, I don't know" she started and Cosmo looked at her with raised eyebrows.

It was like he wanted to say 'seriously?' so she thought more about it. 

"I guess it's because she's never been 'mom', she's always been Kate Beckett, the woman my dad based a character on and who he almost immediately fell in love with. The woman who later on confessed the feelings were mutual. I know my own mom isn't much for a mom but it would feel weird to call Kate my mom" Alexis tried to explain.

"Why would it feel weird?" Cosmo asked surprised. "They're married and she gave you your three siblings, how can that make it weird to call her mom?" he argued.

Alexis could see a glimpse in his eyes. She knew that glimpse. That glimpse of curiousity. Johanna had that too, so did her father and sometimes she had seen it in Kate too. She smiled and shook her head.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, and to answer your question I think it is because no matter how much Kate will act like my mother and be like a mother to me she will always be one of my nearest friends and it would just feel weird to call one of my best friends by mom. I prefer calling her Kate since she will always be Kate, the Kate that filled the whole in my father, the Kate who helps me with my problems, the Kate who doesn't take any side when it comes to the arguments me and dad have, the Kate who will always be there for me no matter what happens. Guess I can't really explain it, but that's how it is, do you understand?" Alexis ended her little speech and looked at her brother.

There was a silence before her brother decided to speak.

"Not really" he chuckled "but at least I got an answer that wasn't 'I don't know' " he said and they chuckled together.

They turned to the tv and continued watching the movie. When the movie was coming to it's end Alexis looked at Cosmo, his eyes were closed. She smiled.

'Even the older ones can't be up forever' she thought to herself. 

She took a blanket and put it over him. She glanced to the clock and was surprised her dad and Kate hadn't been back yet. The second she had made that thought a key turned in the door and in came her dad with a sleeping Johanna in his hands and behind him was Kate. Alexis quickly signed to them to be quiet and pointed to Cosmo. They nodded and her dad went upstairs with Johanna. Kate came towards her and she looked down at Cosmo with a small smile on her lips. Alexis stood up and took Kate's hand and led her towards the door again, Kate's expression was surprised but she followed without any questions asked. When they were outside the door Alexis left a spring in the door. 

"What is it? Did something happen?" Kate asked suddenly worried her kids had done something bad. 

"No, not at all, everything went great, as always" Alexis said with a reassuring smile.

"Then, what?" Kate asked still a little worried but not that much.

"Are you offended with me not calling you mom?" Alexis asked and Kate looked at her shocked.

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