Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Johanna's POV

Johanna and her friends had walked away to class and tried not to think too much about the fact that Gale's dad had been murdered, or Johanna couldn't stop so she tried to come up with clues and a story instead of trying to put it behind her.

"... Johanna? What do you say?" mr Uddas asked and Johanna looked up.

She quickly hid her surprise and tried to act calm.

"Sorry, I didn't quite get the question?" she said and this time it worked.

"What year did the Second World War behind?" he asked again.

"It was 1939, in September" Johanna answered and her teacher looked at her impressed.

After mr Uddas turned around to the white board Johanna slipped out of the classroom and back to the crime in her head. She tried to remember every detail from the crime scene and what she might have heard her parents talk about. To her disappointment she didn't know much, at least not enough.

"Earth to Johanna" someone said and Johanna returned to the classroom.

It was Olive who stood in front of her with Gale by her side. She looked around and saw that all the other students had left the room. She took her books and they went out for lunch. They left their books in the locker and went outside to go to the canteen.

"Hey! Johanna!" Johanna heard her brother's voice and turned around to see him jogging towards her.

"Hey, Cosmo, what's up?" Johanna asked her brother who had caught up with them.

"You won't like the food today, neither do I and I'm going to go to Burger King, you wanna come?" he asked her and she looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What?"

"Do you even have to ask? Johanna said with a smile and looked at her friends.

"You wanna come?" she looked at them.

"I don't have any money" Gale said and Olive nodded.

"Neither do I" she said and they both had sad faces.

"Well, then it's my treat" I said and I looked at Cosmo.

"Sure, I think we have enough" Cosmo said and took out his wallet.

Johanna took out hers from her pocket and looked in it.

"Yep, we definitely have enough" she stated and they all smiled.

She could see the smile on Gale's face not really reaching his eyes but who could blame him? She would really try make him feel better and she thought what better way than start with a delicious lunch and maybe some ice cream after that? Ice cream always helped.

They when to BK and ate. They tried to have fun, not too much but enough. And Gale looked like he was glad that his friends tried to cheer him up. Cosmo noticed something was wrong but he would get his chance to ask Johanna later. They went out to get back to school before their next lesson starts and they didn't notice the black SUV van which drove right behind them.

"What are you talking about? Math is booooorrriiiiiing" Johanna mocked Olive and they all laughed.

Olive was this math genius and thanks to that it was her favorite subject. They heard some wheels shrieking and turned around to see a black can pull up beside them, two men opened the doors and it all happened way to fast for any of them to react. Gale was pulled in inside the car and it drove away. Johanna and Olive screamed and Cosmo started to run after the car to get the plate. Johanna's feet started moving too, and the fear was slowly replaced with adrenaline. She heard Olive shout to her to stop but she couldn't. Johanna ran, and she saw her brother stop but that didn't stop her. She saw him turn around and she felt his eyes on her. When she was about to run past him she felt his arms around her and she tried to fight him. He won, like always. She started crying into his arms and he hugged her. Olive came to them and Cosmo took her in his arms too. Johanna could feel her heart beat hard against her chest.

'Who took him? Why did they take him? Is it relevant to the case? THE CASE!'

Johanna pushed away from her brother and took up her phone. She dialed the number she only dialed when it was emergencies.

"Detective Beckett" she heard in the phone.

"Mom! Gale has been kidnapped!" Johanna cried into the phone.

The phone went silent before hell broke loose. She heard Kate yell in the background before she returned to the phone.

"Where are you? When did it happen?" her mother asked her.

"We're about 20 meters away from Burger King" she answered and she could almost hear her mothers look.

"And what have we told you about going away from the school and buy lunch out?" her mother said in a lecturing tone.

"Not now! We need to find Gale!" Johanna exclaimed.

"We're on our way, no matter what you STAY there, understood?" her mother said and once Johanna agreed they ended the call.


So sorry for the delayed update, I have a lot going on right now with both dance repetitions and school, that's why.... Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me what you think💖

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