Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Kate's POV

"Yo, Beckett! Phone for you" Esposito called out when Kate was trying to read the map trying to figure out where that van could have gone.

"Who is it?" she asked looking up and Esposito handed her the phone.

"Hello?" she said and immediately recognized Cosmo's breathing into the phone.

It sounded like he was running.

"Olive... told... me... Johanna... ditched..." he said panting into the phone.

"What?! Where is she?" Kate flew up from her chair and the fright was all over her face.

All her associates looked at her and Gates came outside her office with a wondering face.

"I... don't... know" Cosmo said and she could also hear the fright he was feeling.

"Ok, Cosmo, where are YOU? We will meet you up and continue the search, ok?" Kate said and now Castle came out the coffee room and looked at her.

She looked him in the eyes and saw the fear mirroring her own. She ignored her jacket and they both with sync went to the elevator.

"Detective?! What's going on?" Gates said and Kate could hear she had started to walk after them.

"Johanna's gone" Kate just said and stepped into the elevator.

Castle pushed the button and the doors closed.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR? FIND THOSE KIDS!" Kate could hear Gates yell to the other detectives through the door.

"Tell me where you are, Cosmo!" Kate demanded in the phone.

Castle put his ear against the phone and she took a deep breath. She needed to clear her head, needed to stop think like a mom and start to think like a cop again.

"I'm just a few blocks from the school" he said and she could hear he had stopped to catch his breath.

"Where?" she said starting to panic.

He told her the address and the elevator made the ding noise to signal to them that they had reached the wished floor. Kate and Castle ran to their car and before they had put on their belts Kate had given the engine life and put her foot on the gas.

"You stay there, Cosmo, you understand? We're on our way. Just stay put!" Kate said and hung up.

"She's not answering her phone" Castle said with his own phone in his hands.

"Johanna" Kate said and tears filled her eyes.

She quickly typed in her number in her phone and put it to her ear.

"Come on... pick up... please, honey, just pick up" she whispered with tears in her eyes.

It felt like her heart was gonna be ripped apart.

"Kate" Castle said sooth.

She didn't answer. She couldn't. She was too emotional. She needed to find her daughter.

"Kate, you shouldn't be driving" Castle said.

"The hell I should!! Johanna is out there somewhere! I have to find her! I need to find her" the later she almost whispered.

"Kate, let me drive" Castle said and Kate almost couldn't see anything through her tears.

She quickly pulled over and Castle got out of the car. Kate stayed until Castle came to her side and took her hands of the wheel. He helped her over the gear to sit down in the seat beside him. He quickly took over the wheel and drove away. Kate leaned her head on the window. Her tears were ruining her make up but she didn't care. As long as Johanna was ok. She had her hand by her mouth and tried to take deep breaths. She felt familiar fingers intertwined with her left hand. His thumb was making small circles on her hand, comforting her.

"Everything will be fine" he said calm.

"Now I see how you felt when Alexis was kidnapped, I didn't quite understood it then but now I do" Kate whispered.

There was a silent and Kate looked at Castle and then out the window again. When she looked out she saw Cosmo stand by the sidewalk with his phone to his ear and looking around. Castle stopped the car right beside him and the two worried parents quickly jumped out of the car and went to their son.

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