Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Kate's POV

"I can't promise, I want to, but I can't" Johanna said and when Kate and Rick raised one eyebrow each she continued. "I can't promise anything that I can't keep. You of all people should know that cause you were the ones who taught me".

Kate looked at Rick. Their thoughts were the same, how would they be able to keep Johanna away from the crime scenes if she couldn't stay away by herself.

"Please don't be mad at me" Johanna squeaked and Kate looked at her daughter.

Kate could see the fear in Johanna's eyes, the fear of being a failure. It hurt Kate's heart to see those feelings in her daughter's eyes.

"Oh honey, we're not mad, just worried. You have no idea how dangerous it could be for you out there" Kate said as soft as she could and something changed in Johanna's eyes.

"Ok, I will not do anything dangerous again, I promise" she said with a smile on her face.

Kate was a little surprised and narrowed her eyes but the truth in Johanna's eyes made her smile. Johanna wouldn't follow to the crime scenes anymore, that was all that mattered. Kate opened up and took Johanna in her arms. The hug was nice and she felt happy. She loved her daughter more than anything else. Of course she loved her sons as much as she loved her daughter but there was a special bond between her and Johanna. The bond was familiar and it reminded her of the bond she had had with her own mother before the murder.

"Lets get you back to school, so you won't miss out on something important" Kate said and let go of her daughter.

"No need, I read all I need to know yesterday" Johanna answered and followed her parents out to the desks.

"Yo, Beckett! I got something" Esposito said and stopped in the middle of his walking when he saw Johanna stand in the precinct.

He gave Kate a questioningly look and Kate shook her head.

"Do you want me to tell you now or later?" Espo asked.

"Later" both Kate and Rick said at the same time without looking at each other.

"Now" Johanna mumbled hopeful.
Kate looked at her and then at Rick. They shook their heads and Kate turned to Espo.

"We'll talk later, we have to go leave Johanna back at school so we will be back in about twenty minutes" Kate said and she took Johanna's hand and they went to the elevator.

The ride to school was quiet, none of them really had anything to say. Kate tried to figure something out but couldn't think of one single thing to talk about since she her mind was filled with the fact that Johanna, her daughter, had been to crime scenes and put herself in that danger without her or Rick noticing.

"Thanks for the ride" Johanna said when Kate stopped the car and she jumped out to go into the school.

Kate and Rick stayed until they saw her walk inside the doors. Then they drove off.

"What do you think?" Kate asked and glanced at Rick.

"About what?" Rick asked back with an inquiring face.

"About her sneaking around, about her seeing the crime scene, about all of that" Kate said with a worried voice.
"I don't know, I don't like her in danger but..." he didn't continue and Kate looked at him.

"But what?" Kate asked, a small anger in her voice.

"I gotta say I love it a little" Rick said and when Kate gave him 'the-look' he tried to explain quick before she would get real angry "it reminds me of you, and it's one of the thing that I love about you. No matter what you never give up on a case and you wanna honor the victims by finding their killer, that's why Johanna did what she did. She wanted justice for the victims, she probably gets it from you" when Kate smiled a little about it Rick added "and a little from me".

Kate laughed and rolled her eyes. She loved how he always made her laugh, even in times like this. She was really worried about Johanna but the fact that Rick saw it as something that reminded it of her made it feel a little better.

"You have no idea how much I love you" Kate said while giggling.

"No matter what I love you more" Rick said and he smiled his special smile that always made her melt.

Kate giggled, removed her right hand from the steering wheel and their hands intertwined. The feeling from him holding her hand was always comforting and there was a special static that raced through her body every time they touched.

"I just hope she won't do it again, I don't want her in any danger" Kate said with a sigh.

"Me neither" Rick sighed too and they arrived at the precinct.


Please let me know what you think so far of my story! Feedback helps me keep writing :) love you!

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