Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Kate's POV

Kate's phone called almost the second after she heard there were police cars standing outside the school to keep an eye on the family members of the victim. She thought that nothing could happen to either of them now that they were under watch. So when she answered the phone and heard it was Johanna in the other end, heard her panicking voice telling her that Gale was kidnapped, she was completely surprised. She was numb and couldn't get a word out. Then she realized what had happened and she snapped out of it. She put her hand on the phone and called out orders.

"ESPO, RYAN, CASTLE!! WE NEED MEN NOW! AND GET A HOLD OF THE KIDNAP UNIT!" she yelled and the two detectives immediately grabbed their phones and hell broke loose when all the orders was called out.

Castle immediately came to her side, his eyes asking her what was going on.

"Where are you? When did it happen?" Kate asked her daughter through the phone.

"We're about 20 meters away from Burger King" Johanna answered.

Kate got that look she got sometimes, that look she had especially when Castle came with his wild theories.

"And what have we told you about going away from the school and buy lunch out?" she asked and tried not to sigh.

"Not now! We need to find Gale!" Johanna exclaimed and Kate snapped out of it.

Her daughter was right, they needed to hurry if they would have a chance to get his kidnappers before they got too far.

"We're on our way, no matter what you STAY there, understood?" Kate asked and once Johanna agreed she hung up the phone.

She took her jacket and turned to her husband.

"Gale is gone" she said and turned to Esposito and Ryan.

"Where to?" They both asked with the phones to their ears.

"Burger King downtown, just a few minutes away from the school" she informed and they repeated the location in their phones before they all four went out of the precinct together to get to the location.

It seemed like Kate couldn't drive fast enough. She was starting to panic.

'What if Johanna had been snatched? What if she's not there once they get there? What if she might be the next target cause they saw her and now know she's a friend of Gale's?' all the thoughts were circling around her head.

She tried to ignore the mother instinct flowing around inside of her but she couldn't help but feel terrified, it was for this reason she didn't want Johanna anywhere near her cases. How could this even happen.

"Kate, calm down" Castle tried, he didn't want them to end up in an accident.

"I'm trying, but Castle, she was there! What if something would have happened to her? What if they had taken her instead?" Kate said, her voice filled with panic and worry.

She was almost in tears.

"Deep breaths" Castle said and demonstrated.

She breathed with him and when that didn't quite work she felt his hand over her which immediately made her calm down. She cleared her head and thought about the case.

"Thanks" she whispered.

"Always" he said and she could almost hear the little smile he had on his face.

"Who would want to kidnap Gale? Could it really be the killers?" Kate started to speculate.

"Maybe the ones he sold drugs for want their money back?" Castle tried to help her.

"Yeah, but in that case it's probably not them who killed him cause in that case they would've made sure they'd gotten their money first" Kate continued.

"There they are" Castle said and Kate pulled over the car and killed the engine as fast as she could.

She opened her door and ran to Johanna, Olive and... Cosmo? What was he doing here?

"Mom!" Johanna ran into Kate's arms and started to cry.

"It's okay, we will find him" Kate whispered into her daughter's ear.

She hugged her tighter before she let go and put her hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Now, tell me what happened. Why did you go here?" Kate asked.

And Johanna told her about Cosmo coming and saying it was no good food and how he wondered if they wanted to come with him eating in BK. She told her it was a black SUV van and that the guys pulling Gale inside wore ski masks so she had no idea what they looked like. When Kate looked up to see where Castle was he stood by their son and got informed by him.

"Okay, so anything else? Did they say anything or did you get the plate number?" Kate asked and looked at her daughter.

"No, it all happened so fast, one second he was right beside me and we were trying to cheer him up and the next he was in that van..." Johanna said but Kate cut her off.

"Wait? Cheer him up? Why was he sad?" Kate knew why but she wanted her daughter to confirm it before she said anything.

Johanna looked ashamed but didn't ignore her question.

"Because his dad is dead, he was the victim I was on the floor" Johanna said and Kate wiped away the tears that ran down her daughter's cheek.

Kate kissed Johanna's forehead and hugged her again.

"Beckett" Esposito said low.

"Johanna, I need to get to work, you and Cosmo go back to school right away, and Olive too" Kate said and looked at the other girl who stood and talked to Ryan.

"No! I wanna stay with you, I wanna help!" Johanna immediately insisted.

"Honey, the best help we can get is for you to let us do our jobs" Kate said and let go of her daughter to wipe away the tears that had fallen again.


No, buts" Kate cut her off and took her hand and led her to Cosmo.

"You ran after to get the plate?" Castle asked surprised.

"Yeah, but I was too late, I didn't see much" Cosmo said with a disappointed look.

Kate stopped in front of them and Cosmo looked at her.

"Cosmo, I want you to take your sister and Olive right back to school, don't let any of them out of your sight until they are safe and sound in their class, got it?" Kate said and Cosmo nodded.

"Got it" he said and gave Johanna a look.

Kate didn't have the time to figure out what that look was for but she sent away the kids and both her and Castle went to Esposito to see what he got.

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