Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Kate's POV

Kate and Castle, together with their two sons, went up with the elevator and the more the time past the more Kate got worried Johanna wouldn't be there when they got up. As soon as the doors opened and the ding came she ran out and she heard Castle being right behind her. When she saw Johanna by her desk she let out of a big sigh and she realized she had held her breath the whole way up.

"Johanna!" she shouted and tears filled her eyes.

It felt like a big burden had lifted from her shoulders and she ran to her daughter and embraced her in her arms.

"Mom, I'm sorry" Johanna said into Kate's ear and she hugged her daughter tighter.

Kate pulled back, looked at her daughter's sad face and kissed her cheek.

"Thank god you're ok" Kate whispered and wiped away the tears on her daughter's cheeks.

Kate moved a few inches to let Castle through.

"Oh Johanna" he said and then he hugged her too.

"Dad" Johanna said and Kate could see the tears coming back again.

Cosmo and Roy whispered something and they giggled but Kate didn't make out what they were saying until Cosmo said it out loud,

"Why are you two in handcuffs?" Cosmo asked and Roy started laughing.

Kate looked at the hands of Johanna and Gale and noticed the handcuffs between them. That was probably why Johanna had only hugged her with one arm before. Kate got a flashback to when she and Castle had been kidnapped and then handcuffed.

"Dad, do you know how to get these off?" Alexis said and Kate looked at him.

They exchanged a look that said they both remembered that day. That day when they had been waking up in the arms of each other and been handcuffed. Kate remembered how Castle had exclaimed 'kinky' when he noticed while Kate herself was both confused and terrified. She liked waking up next to Castle and she loved that she had his arm around her but she was still in denial to whether she liked him or not. If she had figured it out, like she had a few months later, she would have waken him with a kiss instead of her half screaming his name.

'I wonder what would have happened if I had done that? What if I had kissed him right there and then? How would he react?' Kate wondered but then snapped out of it when she heard Esposito and Ryan coming into the room.

They were laughing and looking at Kate and Castle. They held up a key which would help the kids get out of the cuffs. Esposito kneeled down in front of Johanna and both she and Gale reached out their hands. After som trying the handcuffs loosened. Esposito and Ryan was still laughing and exchanged a look with her and Castle.

"Shut up" she said and stared at the two laughing men.

After they eventually did shut up Kate turned to her daughter again.

"Why on earth did you leave the school even though I asked you not to?" she asked and felt that worried feeling again which she didn't like.

"I... I... I don't really know... I just felt like I had to" her daughter stumbered and felt the need to protect her.

She looked so vulnerable, so sad, so sorry. Kate didn't like seeing her daughter like that. She didn't want anything bad to ever happen to her kids, yet it did happen. And maybe it's all because of her job.

"Johanna" Kate said and the anger that might have been in her voice was gone. "I'm not angry with you for trying to help your friend, I'm just worried about you and I don't want you to be in danger. That's why I'm reacting this way" she said and stroke Johanna's cheek which had tears on it again.

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