Part 1- homeless.

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"GET OUT YOU WORTHLESS BRAT!" My mom yelled at me. I ran to my room, grabbed all the clothes I could fit into my backpack, my makeup, my wallet, my computer, my phone, my hats, and my jewelry. Last but not least my bass. I fit as much stuff as I could into my backpack. With bass case on my back and my bag I ran out of my house, crying. Where the hell am I going to go. I have no friends. I bit my cheek. Vegas is always open at night, so I can just sit on the streets. I walked down to the strip, and put my stuff down. I don't have enough for a hotel room around these parts so I guess I'll sing and play the bass to earn some money. I grabbed my bass, and I asked a old dude if I could borrow his amp while he took a break. He agreed and I plugged it in and began playing, therapy by all time low.

My ship went down
In a sea of sound.
When I woke up alone I had everything:
A handful of moments I wished I could change
And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade.

In a city of fools,
I was careful and cool,
But they tore me apart like a hurricane...
A handful of moments I wished I could change
But I was carried away.

Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can keep all your misery.

These three oddly dress guys, came up and just listened to me play. One was wearing all leather and his hair was spiked. He had thick black eyeliner and eyeshadow. He also wore lots of jewelry and red leather pants. He almost resemblances a vampire. The second boy had a blue velvet jacket on, his hair puffy and brown. He had a sharp jawline.he wore a scarf and a bit of necklaces. He looked like a gentleman. But the third boy who stood out the most, was the one wearing the pirate hat. He had a black jacket on, with gold lining, and a black and white ripped shirt underneath. He was wearing black jeans and a bandana around his leg. He had a bunch of necklaces on and lots of red eyeshadow on. After play the break between the lyrics it was time to sing again.

My lungs gave out
As I faced the crowd.
I think that keeping this up could be dangerous.
I'm flesh and bone,
I'm a rolling stone
And the experts say I'm delirious.

Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can take back your misery.

Arrogant boy,
Love yourself so no one has to.
They're better off without you.
(They're better off without you.)

Arrogant boy,
Cause a scene like you're supposed to.
They'll fall asleep without you.
You're lucky if your memory remains.

Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can take back your misery.

I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can choke on your misery.

When I finished, the three boys clapped. "That was amazing." The vampire boy said. I blushed. "Thanks." They looked at me weirdly. "Why are you out here playing for cash. Why aren't you part of a band?" The pirate boy asked. "Well this is my dream but, I never got a chance in high school, so I settled on the next best thing." I sighed. "Which is?" The gentleman asked. "Well I'm learning to be a tattoo artist." "Then why are you on the streets playing the bass and singing?" The vampire asked. "This so getting personal." I said angrily.
The three boys look at me. "Ask us something we will go back and forth, deal?" The pirate asked. I nodded. "Lady's first." The vampire said. "What's your names?" "I am Remington leith kropp." Said the vampire. " I am Sebastian Danzig kropp." Said the gentleman. "And I am Emerson Barrett kropp." Said the pirate. "So I'm guessing your brothers." I said. They nodded. "Our turn." Said Emerson. I nodded. "Same question, why are you on the street?" Sebastian said. "I got kicked out by my mom, I have no money for a hotel room, and I know how to play." I said quickly. They nodded. "Why are you dressed like a pirate a gentleman and a vampire?" I spat out. "Well I don't know it's just our label and style." Remington said. I nodded. "So you said you have no hotel room, correct?" Emerson asked. I nodded. "Well we live around here, would you want to stay with us?" He asked nicely. "No no I can possibly. I don't want to be a burden." I said shaking my head. "Well to bad, you're staying with us." Sebastian said smiling. I sighed. "Okay I guess."

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